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Packager Problems

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Post March 4th, 2007, 9:21 pm
Jer User avatar

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Hey guys I need help with the NL Track Packager.

It packages fine, it un-packs fine, but when I dl a Track pack, or open it I never finds the root folder, so I need to take the time to find it, every time I open the packager. I have tried un-installing, and re-installing it twice and the same thing happens. Any ideas on whats going on?
Phoenix|Maverick|Skyrush|RFII|Leviathan|Bizzaro[SFNE]|Bdash|Griffon|El Toro|Verbolten
RIP Chiller: 1997-2008

Post March 5th, 2007, 1:30 pm

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did u copy and paste NL from somewhere insted of actualy installing it?

Cuz i saved NL folder on my portable hard disk, and i just copied it back onto my computer without actualy installing it, and some of the programs asked me to do that (like the toolbox), when i actualy installed NL, it stopped....

Post March 5th, 2007, 1:43 pm

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The root folder meaning the folder at witch Nolimits is installed or copied. (I never install NL anymore because there are way too many extras to back up thus I wrote the whole file as it is to a disk and the copy it back on my HD when needed). Therefore you have to select OK when it says cannot locate root folder and then browse for the folder on the next form to pop up. Browse and select the Nolimits exe file and the select apply and OK to jump to the unpack form.

The reason for this is to locate the tracks, objects, environments and texture folders to know where to place the data inside.

Post March 5th, 2007, 2:46 pm
Jer User avatar

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^^Nah it's in it's orginal location
^I do that every time and the same thing always happens it cannot find the root folder.
Phoenix|Maverick|Skyrush|RFII|Leviathan|Bizzaro[SFNE]|Bdash|Griffon|El Toro|Verbolten
RIP Chiller: 1997-2008

Post March 5th, 2007, 3:24 pm

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Location: Johannesburg, South Africa
What exactly does it do after you've selected the root folder and tried to go to the next page?

Post March 5th, 2007, 3:29 pm
Jer User avatar

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After I found the root folder it works fine.
Phoenix|Maverick|Skyrush|RFII|Leviathan|Bizzaro[SFNE]|Bdash|Griffon|El Toro|Verbolten
RIP Chiller: 1997-2008

Post March 5th, 2007, 3:37 pm

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Location: Johannesburg, South Africa
So when you browse for it on a downloaded track you can't find it in the original location because I'm having trouble to understand what?????????s wrong.[confused]

Post March 5th, 2007, 3:55 pm
Jer User avatar

Posts: 991
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Pretty much everytime I open the packager it never finds the root folder so for every time I need to package one of my rides of open a packaged file I need to find the root folder. It should be able to find the root folder once I find it once correct?
Phoenix|Maverick|Skyrush|RFII|Leviathan|Bizzaro[SFNE]|Bdash|Griffon|El Toro|Verbolten
RIP Chiller: 1997-2008

Post March 5th, 2007, 4:16 pm

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Location: Johannesburg, South Africa
I don't think so. Mine always asks for it and I've never tried to fix it.

Post March 5th, 2007, 4:59 pm

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I fixed mine by placing the track packager's files inside the same folder as the rest of NL. Configuring the .ini doesn't seem to work, as I still have to set the author attribute each time I need to.

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