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Post March 12th, 2007, 3:26 am
Coasterkidmwm User avatar
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Post March 12th, 2007, 6:36 am

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Post March 12th, 2007, 6:38 am

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Post March 12th, 2007, 9:01 am

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Oh man, that's great television! A lovely, and quite accurate, analogy if I do say so.

Haha "The iRack doesn't even look like it wants those things, we should be taking them out of the iRack..." [lol][lol]
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Post March 12th, 2007, 9:18 am

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every home should have an imicrowave[lol]
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Post March 12th, 2007, 12:47 pm
Coasterkidmwm User avatar
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I want a fast forward button my my microwave. Shuffle feature would be nice too, then I wouldn't have to stir things.
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Post March 12th, 2007, 1:09 pm

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[lol][lol] I saw that on tv on sat. night, what an awesome show [:D]

Post March 12th, 2007, 1:57 pm

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[lol][lol] The iRan. That was hilarious!
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Post March 12th, 2007, 2:11 pm

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Post March 12th, 2007, 4:24 pm
Coasterkidmwm User avatar
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I loved that article. I hate Macs so much.
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Post March 18th, 2007, 9:28 pm

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Are you kidding me? Macs are so much easier to use. If you don't like them, then don't buy them and stop bitching about it. I use PC's all the time and It's just harder to get anything done. The reason the person in the the article Edge posted couldn't get iTunes to work is that it was something wrong with the OS, not a program error. If you ever owned one and had an open mind, you may think differently. Ny the way, I own a computer with XP and I believe that it is just not as good as the Mac OS.

Post March 18th, 2007, 9:48 pm

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Originally posted by Edge


OH MY GOSH! That is the funniest article I've seen to date. My friend, Mr. "Apple-Anything Rules" saw it and walked out of my house. Seems like every iFreak is the same. They all are so supportive about the products they make, and won't take any crap about it.

Also, topthrillmaniac, if you read the entire page of Edge's post, you'd see that the author wasn't only complaing about the iTunes. In fact, the iTunes issues he described was not a huge part of that, but the article as a whole is what's funny. Portrays all the proof that iFreaks are all about luxuries and having things done for them. Such as turning computers on and having a magnetic remote that sticks to the side (wouldn't wanna hit the keys or anything).
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Post March 19th, 2007, 12:20 pm
Coasterkidmwm User avatar
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Originally posted by topthrillmaniac

Are you kidding me? Macs are so much easier to use.

Yeah that's why everyone at school hates the mac lab at school and can't type a paper since the window is sized bizarrely and nobody can right click. interestingly enough that lab was gone second semester...

Originally posted by topthrillmaniacIf you don't like them, then don't buy them and stop bitching about it.

Stop bitching about PC's hypocrite.

Originally posted by topthrillmaniac
I use PC's all the time and It's just harder to get anything done.

See the above hypocrite.

Originally posted by topthrillmaniac
If you ever owned one and had an open mind, you may think differently. Ny the way, I own a computer with XP and I believe that it is just not as good as the Mac OS.

If you had an open mind you'd realize the following:
1. Macs have no direct competition, PC's have direct competition between companies like Dell, Gateway, HP, etc. This keeps prices down.

2. You can't recover files from Macs.

3. iTunes and the entire iPod scheme is the largest scam I have ever seen. You can get the same thing for much less from the Creative company (which sued Apple and won when Apple was using suspiciously similar technology in the iPod) and have a battery life better than Chernobyl, ten more Gigs of space, and more features like a radio, voice record, recording from the radio, etc. Additionally, I can buy music from for around 25 cents at the absolute max per track. I have never paid more than 3 dollars for an album while you pay the "low price" of 99 cents per song. didn't wuss out around the holidays like the iTunes store did.

4. The ad campaign where they were like "OMFGZ WE HAVE INTEL. OUR COMPUTERS DON'T SUCK NOW!"

5. The commercial where they say that Mac "already has a webcam built in" and PC is getting a webcam taped to head is stupid. Guess what you can do with a PC webcam? MOVE IT AROUND without moving the computer! It has a cord! Wow! And what the hell are you supposed to do when the webcam feature is broken? Spend 1000 dollars on a new crappy as white as sperm colored monitor? Or you could spend a ton less on a new webcam...

6. In their ad campaigns the PC is a "boring person". He is so boring that 95%+ of all computer games are made for PCs and not Macs. If you look at GOOD games then the numbers get even higher...

7. My older sister's husband who computer programs with the CIA says all government workers NEVER use Macs. That says something about how much better they're and how much better they work if the US government avoids them like the plague.

8. All people who own Macs become conceited egotistical morons citing stuff from a commercial. You know what happened last time I listened to a commerical? I brought the crappiest cereal I had ever eaten and wasted about 20 gallons of water when I was flushing my mammoth turds down the toilet while I was sick.

9. I love how you guys ignored the security upgrade that all Macs had around the holidays.

Today's word is "because". "Because" is used to explain WHY you're right instead of dicking around and saying you're correct with no evidence to back up your claims.

**waits for the off topic locking**
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Post March 19th, 2007, 12:37 pm

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^ Actually, IMO, that was very well stated and defended coasterkid ... I am shocked at your candor and ability to put that together! Bravo!!

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Post March 19th, 2007, 12:39 pm

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I completely agree with coasterkidmwm. Used mac 2 years at school, and will hopefully never have to use it again.
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Post March 19th, 2007, 12:46 pm

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Originally posted by Coasterkidmwm

7. My older sister's husband who computer programs with the CIA says all government workers NEVER use Macs. That says something about how much better they're and how much better they work if the US government avoids them like the plague.

The navy are also are using PC based systems over other OS's

"We needed to provide an easier-to-use, user-friendly, identification and authorization method on mobile deployed assets..."

Post March 19th, 2007, 5:51 pm
Coasterkidmwm User avatar
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Also Macs are ugly.
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Post March 19th, 2007, 7:55 pm
jayman Premium Member
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sometimes(rarely) i wish i had tv so i could see things like this.. that was hilarious.. perfect analogy. even idiots who watch tv should get it..

Post March 19th, 2007, 8:04 pm
Coasterkidmwm User avatar
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What analogy?
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Post March 19th, 2007, 9:30 pm

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^obv he dowsn't [LOL]

^^ oh and Jay.. u hippy XD

(even though i don't know what ur talking about ether)

Post March 20th, 2007, 2:39 am

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If you had an open mind you'd realize the following:
1. Macs have no direct competition, PC's have direct competition between companies like Dell, Gateway, HP, etc. This keeps prices down.

...which leads to an infinite number of combinations of parts, which inevitably leads to compatibility issues. Buy some software for your PC, and you have to make sure you have the right OS, the right graphics card, the right .dll files, the right drivers, etc etc etc.
Buy software for a Mac, and all you have to check is whether you have enough RAM. Since Apple doesn't sell ultra-low-end systems, if your Mac is less than 5 yrs old, you're probably good to go.

2. You can't recover files from Macs.

Wanna back up that statement with some fact? Just because YOU can't do it, doesn't mean it can't be done.

3. iTunes and the entire iPod scheme is the largest scam I have ever seen. You can get the same thing for much less from the Creative company (which sued Apple and won when Apple was using suspiciously similar technology in the iPod) and have a battery life better than Chernobyl, ten more Gigs of space, and more features like a radio, voice record, recording from the radio, etc. Additionally, I can buy music from for around 25 cents at the absolute max per track. I have never paid more than 3 dollars for an album while you pay the "low price" of 99 cents per song. didn't wuss out around the holidays like the iTunes store did.

...nothing prevents me from going to and downloading the cheap stuff, then playing it on an iPod. Also, the rights protection business that prevents you from sending iTunes files to friends is easily gone around by simply burning the track to a CD, then sending the file from there.

4. The ad campaign where they were like "OMFGZ WE HAVE INTEL. OUR COMPUTERS DON'T SUCK NOW!"

...that's hardly the point of the ad. They were more like "We have Intel. Now you can run that crappy Windoze software that your boss makes you use, but you at least won't have to run it on a crappy PC."

5. The commercial where they say that Mac "already has a webcam built in" and PC is getting a webcam taped to head is stupid. Guess what you can do with a PC webcam? MOVE IT AROUND without moving the computer! It has a cord! Wow! And what the hell are you supposed to do when the webcam feature is broken? Spend 1000 dollars on a new crappy as white as sperm colored monitor? Or you could spend a ton less on a new webcam...

Point 1: you paid extra for that cam-on-a-cord. The Mac has it built in.
Point 2: if you WANT to buy a cam-on-a-cord for a Mac so you can move it around (to point at your crotch?), you can.

6. In their ad campaigns the PC is a "boring person". He is so boring that 95%+ of all computer games are made for PCs and not Macs. If you look at GOOD games then the numbers get even higher...

That has everything to do with the economics of the market and nothing to do with the quality of the hardware. If you write a game, you want the biggest potential buyer base possible. Since there are 9 times more PCs than Macs, you write for PC. Even if it means having to code for all those combinations of components I mentioned before.

7. My older sister's husband who computer programs with the CIA says all government workers NEVER use Macs. That says something about how much better they're and how much better they work if the US government avoids them like the plague.

So the government prefers to use an OS that is notoriously buggy, full of security loopholes, and prone to virus attacks.... that doesn't say anything about how much better PCs work, it says how stupid the government is. This is the same government who spends $500 on a toilet seat, remember?

8. All people who own Macs become conceited egotistical morons citing stuff from a commercial. You know what happened last time I listened to a commerical? I brought the crappiest cereal I had ever eaten and wasted about 20 gallons of water when I was flushing my mammoth turds down the toilet while I was sick.

So you're a moron. If the cereal was so bad, why did you eat enough of it to give you "mammoth turds?"

9. I love how you guys ignored the security upgrade that all Macs had around the holidays.

Right about the time that people started running Windoze on them, yeah.
As if there's not a "crucial security update" for PCs about every five days...

I used to be a Mac hater. Seriously. And mostly, my hatred was based in the same sort of misinformed ignorance that you had in your post.
I bought a Mac about 2 years ago, after using a friend's for a week. The more time I spent on the Mac, the more the PC's flaws became obvious.

I hardly even turn on the PC any more.
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