I've decided to build a one trick pony type of ride today after I've created this awesome element in Elementary but the element itself has a bit of a problem. I've used my weird and wonderful physics 2nd year textbook to create this combination of formulas and was surprised by the fact that the result was quite accurate. But I'm not a quite accurate type of person I want it to be insanely accurate. So my main problem is, is that the track that I've built is where I want the heart line to be. Are there any formula methods that I can use to fix this problem?
(Don't say yeah you freaking idiot use AHG. That is not the type of element I'm designing!!! AHG does absolutely nothing to it.)
If you have a method that can convert my function into another that represent?????????s the track, that would be great!!!
I will upload a ride using this element as soon as I'm done and then you guys will see exactly what I mean by no AHG. Plus I'll give a link were some of you that are interested can download the complete function I wrote.