I'd seriously need to get started on this track. Such huge templates are boring and uninspiring. Let's hope the round 2 template is much more interesting. [:)]
Coastercount: 1410(I've seen the world and it's horrid contraptions... @.@) - Wood: 142 - Steel: 1268
yeah it alreadfy started, anyone can join in the race, just follow the instructions on page one and submit your track by the due or on the due date and you're set [:)]
simple, after youve built your coaster using the round 1 template and you belive youve abided by all the rules you then put "NLR1" after the neame of your coaster and upload it. the post the url adress in the round 1 topic.
Sorry guys I have to drop out. I just found out No Limits dose not like Vista's display drivers. So I have no 3D hardware support at this point. When i joined I had XP but I just updated and found out by trying to ride my coaster. (Witch is not finished yet.) Sorry for any problems that might arise.
Yeah, you could always just put together some piece of crap ride in an hour that follows all the rules though because there might not be enough qualified tracks
Just a hint for those still looking for that special rule:
gazag:"You can submit 1 track and 1 track only."<- there's the rule. This actually belongs to the other topic, but that one was closed without any given reason, So I guess it was closed by accident and thus I post here.
yes that is true buster, thank you for pointing that out and i will be reviewint the rules and im now working with dcs on this raitng problem i causes and again i appologise for what i did. it was not closed by accident if you read it i catually closed it to stop the bickering and flaming, i shall be doing the same here too after this post and full propper ratings are on the way.