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Code Name: wmX

The Hard Hat Area is the place to post construction news about your ride, so this is the place to hype your future upload!

Post March 21st, 2007, 8:01 pm

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Location: New Concord, OH, USA

What is WMX? It stands for "Wild Mouse X". The X means experimental. This is my attempt to create one of the most original NoLimits roller coasters ever.


Over 2 years ago, I began work on an experimental coaster called "Hyper X", which had the features of a full 180-degree drop, many other vertical drops, and an outside loop, the most intense inversion ever created. The coaster was impractical for many reasons, including horrible ride capacity and unfeasibly large height.

This coaster is the continuation of the original idea. But now the coaster is significantly more feasible because it is a wild mouse instead of a one-car strata coaster, and the height is about half as much. And to make it more appropriate for a wild mouse coaster, the ride will be built around a gigantic 3ds castle. Almost all of the innovative ideas from the original Hyper X will be included, on a feasible scale, including the full-flip drop, the numerous vertical drops, the ceiling-scraping hanging loops, the infamous outside loop, and the intense tree-dodging finale. The FVD model for elementary has only made this coaster easier, making the shaping of the outrageous elements possible. The castle is a warm-up of sorts, a preparation for the massive 3ds modeling that I will be doing to create working models of the buildings contained in my novel, "The Second World".

Here are some conceptual drawings that I have done, which should help to illustrate the concepts behind this coaster. (even though they are just quick pencil-sketches...)

This picture is of the ride's first signature element... the rollover drop. The train drops forward, over the edge of the castle, and keeps going... until it is completely upside-down and racing back through a hole in the stone wall. And this is accomplished without unfeasible g forces... only going up to -1.6.

Here is a conceptual drawing of the ride's lift. It will climb a large spiral staircase up to the top of one of the castle's towers, with realistic 3ds-created lighting elements to enhance the environment.

One final conceptual drawing, of the outside loop. The train will enter the element upside-down, emerge on top of the castle while flipping right-side up on the outside of the loop, then drop down and back into the castle upside-down once again. Cool stuff. Also notice the tree-dodging hills and turns headed down to the lake in the background.

Off of conceptual drawings and on to the actual trackwork we go. Here is the real version of the spiral lift, minus the 3ds. Picture a stone staircase with light filtering in through windows in the side...

Here's the flip over the edge of the castle, minus the castle. This element may look unfeasibly extreme, but in reality it only pulls -1.6 g's... even less than what's on the Screamin' Squirrel.

WILD MOUSE X - coming soon!!!

Okay, enough scheming for the day... going back to rating Round 1 tracks now...

-"Wild Mouse X", A Wildcat Studios production.
Last edited by cjd on March 22nd, 2007, 12:51 am, edited 1 time in total.

Post March 21st, 2007, 8:06 pm

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WOW! The drawings are amazing! Your concept of the ride looks great, with the scenery and everything. The only thing that worries me a little is the outside loop...

Post March 21st, 2007, 8:16 pm

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If he set it to only pull 1.6, it'll only pull 1.6, which is high but tolerable. Looks pretty cool.

Why don't you use the Gerst bobsleds, they'll look a ton better for a "wild mouse" than those Intamins.

Post March 21st, 2007, 8:44 pm

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Location: New Concord, OH, USA

I actually think I'm going to use the "modern looper" style. They have the 2-tube wild mouse style I wanted, plus over-the-shoulder harnesses and the side-by-side tire-driven lift that I want. I was just using Hypers as a habit from the past, in pre-1.6 days.

Post March 21st, 2007, 10:33 pm
Coasterkidmwm User avatar
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This is serious?
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Post March 21st, 2007, 10:44 pm

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Sounds cool. I'll see if I can make some of the castle and what-nots...

Post March 21st, 2007, 11:08 pm

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Looking great! loving the concept drawings, all great coasters start of with some, and im betting this won't be an exeption

Post March 21st, 2007, 11:08 pm

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Excellent sketches, awesome idea, it will work out; and yes Im sure it is serious.
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Post March 21st, 2007, 11:27 pm

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Don't come crying to me when your riders' heads explode lol, no joke.
I like what you're trying to do, but the sustained forces you'll get will be way too much for riders that aren't trained fighter pilots or astronauts. That strong of negative g's ("just" -1.6?) combined with the ridiculous duration will make your ride go from fun to legitimately scary and uncomfortable or painful... I don't know but *possibly* even potentially deadly. Good concept, bad execution IMO. Definately rethink the inverted sections.

Oh, and where did you get the values for the Screamin Squirrel forces? The inversions are pretty controlled, so I kinda doubt they exceed -1.6 as you've said. Prove me wrong.

Post March 21st, 2007, 11:52 pm

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Location: New Concord, OH, USA

-1.6 g's for 3 seconds would be "painful"? Then how the hell do bungee jumpers do it? That's like -2 for 8 seconds... I think with good enough shoulder harnesses, it would be perfectly safe.

Post March 22nd, 2007, 12:01 am
Coasterkidmwm User avatar
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Ya know how he asked to you back yourself up? Ya might want to do that instead of pulling a new statistic from yer anus.
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Post March 22nd, 2007, 12:05 am

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How many 50 year old ladies bungee jump? How many 10 year old kids bungie jump?

I've seen both on rides like Kingda Ka and El Toro, but couldn't see them on your ride, and I couldn't see many people from this demographic bungee jumping. Definately painful dude.

-1.6 is extreme for that long, no way to get around it. I also bet you have some transition leading up to that force, which adds time at strong negative g's. One last bet... that -1.6 is exactly that force on your ride for those 3 seconds, without change.

Post March 22nd, 2007, 12:12 am

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I looked up g-force tolerances... Wikipedia says that blackouts begin to happen at 5 g's positive, and red-outs begin to happen between -2 and -3 g's negative. And little kids may not bungee jump, but what about kids being swung around in the air by their parents? That's about the same g-forces... I could do the physics if you want.

Post March 22nd, 2007, 12:20 am

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Who do you know that swings kids around by their feet?

Wikipedia is made by anyone. I wouldn't quote it if I were you... for all I know you could've written that yourself.

You can't make coasters just for the Dirtbikers and the bungee jumpers and the fighter pilots. Don't you think, considering how extreme the Screamin' Squirrel, the Eurofighters, and something like Dodonpa are, they would've had a ride that sustained -1.6 in an inverted loop or drop? Trust me. It's extreme. Probably uncomfortable to all people, enough to make them not enjoy the experience, but the weaker (who should be able to ride most coasters with no problems, see Kingda Ka and El Toro examples) would have some serious problems with it. Not gonna work dude.

I said the same thing to Tyler about his ride as I said to you. Sorry.

Post March 22nd, 2007, 12:50 am

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I have to disagree with the "blood rushes to your head at only -.8 or -.9 comment you made on his track... -1 is the same as hanging upside-down. Almost every kid does it all the time for minutes on end. But just for the hell of it, if it's 'safer' g forces you want, it's safer g forces you'll get. I'll drop them to -1.4, just a tick higher than the mentioned SROS g forces. That way there will be no question over whether the g-forces are safe or not. Thank god for the FVD...

Post March 22nd, 2007, 12:57 am

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Yeah, only a question of duration now lol.

And blood does go to your head when hanging upside down. You hang someone over the age of 15 upside down for minutes and see if they don't want to hurt you after that lol.

To prove it... go to your bed, lie face down with the front half of your body off the edge. Then, tilt that half downwards until it's perpendicular to the rest of your body, aka upside down. I just did it, and within 3-5 seconds I could feel the blood pulsing in my head, and within 10 seconds it was VERY uncomfortable, each pulse of blood got stronger and stronger. I can actually still feel the effects now, about a minute after I did it. That's -1 G, and the effects would've likely been worse had my feet also been elevated so I was fully perpendicular and inverted in relation to the ground.

Now you want to hang people who may not be 19 year old guys upside down for 3 seconds and with significantly stronger forces?

After trying that experiment on your bed, I challenge you to tell me you still disagree with my statement about -.8 and -.9 G's.

Post March 22nd, 2007, 1:21 am

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What I wonder then is "how the hell did Screamin Squirrel do it?" I mean, it's a given that that thing had more than -1 g's, considering that it's completely upside-down and turns until it's upside-down. So I just want to know how that coaster can get away with it in reali life but I can't in NL? It just doesn't make sense to me.

Or perhaps I should just accept the fact that I can't make everyone happy, take my deduction, and move on.

EDIT: I have modified the drop so that there is a holding brake at the edge. That way, you dangle on the edge of nothingness, then get thrown down the drop and the g's gradually build to -1.4. If that ain't controlled enough for you, so be it.

And the outside loop WILL happen. I'll be making it with g's of only -1.3, just to prove a point.

Post March 22nd, 2007, 2:55 am

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Because on the Screamin Squirrel we don't get a color coded G meter to tell us if its bad.

Post March 22nd, 2007, 6:41 am
Dirk_Ermen User avatar
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Originally posted by cjd

What I wonder then is "how the hell did Screamin Squirrel do it?" I mean, it's a given that that thing had more than -1 g's, considering that it's completely upside-down and turns until it's upside-down. So I just want to know how that coaster can get away with it in reali life but I can't in NL? It just doesn't make sense to me.

The screaming squirrel controls the speed during a flip so the g's doesn't go above -1.1 For the rest it's just a short track upside down. But i gotta say, my mom saw stars at the end of the ride. So yeah, that can tell how forcefull negative g's could be. And this was only hanging up side down for just 3 times.
Screaming squirrel's are fun rides but rough as hell and too many brake controls.

Your ride is going to get gravity drops without any trims. So there could be the problem that the g's go above 2g when you go for a quick vertical turn.

I've played myself in NL also with outside loops and stuff and I can tell you. It's tough!
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Post March 22nd, 2007, 10:24 am

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As always, for new rides... do you need a logo, cartexture, screenshot, etc...?

It looks like a truley awesome ride! I look forward to seeing some more pics. By the way, you are really good at drawing.

Post March 22nd, 2007, 10:26 am

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Yea, the Screamin Squirrel has controlled speed over its saxophones. Its quite alright if your speed is kept controlled too.

Post March 22nd, 2007, 10:28 am

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Is there anything in the Screaming squirrels besides that vertical section?

Post March 22nd, 2007, 11:47 am

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I?????????d say that if you can keep the forces less than -1.2G (or actually more than) you would be creating a fine ride. I'm not a big fan of negatives I like perfect zeros but when it reaches -0.8G I feel exceptionally uncomfortable. I've never even ridden a ride like The screaming squirrel.

This is the major problem, people write about the average humans G tolerance but they forget about the period that the forces are applied, everybody should remember that even a force of 3G?????????s (Positive) can cause the average Joe to black out, it just depends on the amount of time this force is applied. If you hang upside down for too long you will also red out depending on your fitness and the strength of your heart and remember that's just -1G.

My best friend is a pilot. He flies propelled planes all day long to build up flight time to get his instrument rating. He took me for a flight once in the Magalies air box write next to Johannes Burg where you can basically do whatever the plane is designed to do. He couldn't do any inversions due to his current experience but we did stall spin, nose dived and took a fast turn with a force of 2.7 G?????????s on the instrument and trust me even 2.7G for a long time made me feel extremely light headed after we landed.

Post March 22nd, 2007, 2:07 pm
Coasterkidmwm User avatar
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Unless your entire ride is on friction wheels and like doesn't accelerate (look up "lame"), it ain't gonna happen.

Also you consistently have this total lack of reguard to accepting new ideas from ANYONE. You keep coming up with new things that create more negative G's to try and back yourself up while still totally ignoring the whole duration thing Dcs has brought up 3 times over. Are you going to listen to people or just keep blindly forging ahead in everything?
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Post March 22nd, 2007, 2:18 pm

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Did you try my experiment? Can we get some (truthful) results if you did?

The reason what I said doesn't make sense to you is because you're only listening to half the argument. Myself and atleast one other person think you think you know everything and are not considering logic. Seriously, try that experiment. Then imagine the forces pushing the blood to your head being 1.5X stronger. Then imagine if you were a 50 year old lady who would generally have no problem with a rollercoaster, even a very intense one, and had to endure those forces without a button to tell the ride to stop. Negative g's can be dangerous.

If you do this ride and it's not strictly fantasy (meaning with no intention to be fit to be real) then you're gonna get killed in ratings on any decent coaster site. You'll probably get a lot of noob rates saying "omgwtf3ds!!!" and disregarding the fact that your ride wouldn't be at all comfortable in real life, and you can pay attention to only those if you want, but c'mon... look at the arguments and unless you're 100% sure you're right, which you can't be without proof, then just smile and nod lol, we're not trying to make your ride suck.

Oh, and an inverted loop, drop, and a 3ds castle don't make your ride "one of the most original ever"... inverted loops and drops are probably the first thing noobs think of as what they consider innovative elements, and the castle theme has been done *numerous* times, possibly most notably by Hansixx with his B&M standup.

One suggestion that coasterkidmwm made to me yesterday (and I was thinking the same thing at the time) is to make this into a flyer. A one car flyer is very feasible with a design similar to yours, though you'll still have to watch forces on things like the inverted loop. With a flyer though, you'll have the leeway to have between 2.5 and 3 g's or so while in the flying position, for a decent amount of time, so most of your elements could be pulled off. If you want to hang someone upside down then maybe you can have a holding brake on one of your vertical drops, and it'd also be cool if you had an upside down scene in front of the car for riders to see, maybe a treasure room or something. Don't hold it for more than like a second or two though, as those Vekoma restraints are generally pretty uncomfortable, and would really suck while upside down.


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