Board index Roller Coaster Games Track Advertising Navigator - Semi Compact Rocket

Navigator - Semi Compact Rocket

Advertise your ride here to get it ridden and rated!

Post December 28th, 2008, 7:15 pm

Posts: 406
Points on hand: 895.00 Points
Location: Ontario, Canada


Max. Height: 110.0 ft
Launch Speed: 53 mph
Launch Acceleration: +1.6g
Max Speed: 56.5 mph
Inversions: 4 (Pretzel Loop(2), Zero G Roll, Corkscrew)
Number of Trains: 2
Passengers per Train: 24
Riders per Hour: 1600
Max. Vertical G's: +4.5
Max. Negative G's: -1.5
Max. Lateral G's: 1.6
Length: 3060 ft

I was browsing through my old track a few days ago and came upon this. Navigator is one of my first roller coasters made with Elementary. My skills have definitely improved since then but I still think this track is worthy of being uploaded and given a few rates.

Navigator is NOT for the faint of heart!

(PS - I am aware of the pump in the heartline roll. However, I only had this track to work on...too bad :(. Just wanted to let you know that I am aware of it.)

NLDC link -

Please ride and rate - it will be greatly appreciated!

Heres the link! - ... ?tid=14879

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