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Virginia Tech Shootings

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Post April 16th, 2007, 1:50 pm

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This is Indeed Extremely Scary. This monday Morning a Gunman had came and open fired not once, but twice in two seperate shootings. In this article it says so far, 22 people have been killed. I have then watched the news about 5 minutes ago, that has confirmed over 30 deaths. But this is indeed, really terryfying especially for college students like myself. Here is a link to the news. ... mailedlink

Post April 16th, 2007, 2:11 pm

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That's awful, especially when it has happened at a fellow engineering school. I can't imagine what would possess somebody to go on a rampage like that! I'm sure we'll be hearing a LOT more about this in the coming days.

Post April 16th, 2007, 3:10 pm

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man, thats right upstate from me... im suprised i didnt kno about it. if wws had a forecast, itd be better than my local news

Post April 16th, 2007, 3:10 pm

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My Spanish teacher has a daughter who was 2 floors above the shootings in West Ambler Johnston at the time of shootings. We watched news the whole class.

Post April 16th, 2007, 3:11 pm

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Location: Kettering, England / Northamptonshire, United Kingdom

Pfft, school shootings are lame and boring. I mean it takes less than no balls to pull this kinda shiz off. Why don't these pathetic little teens walk into a bikers bar and start shooting, I'd like to see what happens there. But shooting other kids for no reason....real lame

Post April 16th, 2007, 3:34 pm

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^Please excuse my language but what the hell is your problem?![confused] Innocent people just were killed and all you can talk about is it being lame and boring?! This is no time for jokes.[stoning] I know you were probably talking bad about the gunman, but I took that as heartless crap. I may not be a moderator, but try to be a little more sensitive please!
Sorry if I was a little too explicit.

Post April 16th, 2007, 3:43 pm

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Location: Kettering, England / Northamptonshire, United Kingdom

Don't get me wrong, but does anyone ever give a shiz if this kinda thing happens in the middle east, Africa or Russia. Thousands of people are killed daily in this countries in ways a lot more horrific than this one.

Some people died in America...great, not a whole lot I can do about it. Being sorry doesn't bring anyone back to life

Post April 16th, 2007, 3:54 pm

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Sorry man but you are being a chuffing douchebag. Seriously, the world is messed up and bad things happen every day, we all know that. Alot of us are in college though and it just strikes a cord in us to hear thing like this happening because we can relate. If you dont care about the subject, just keep your chuffing mouth shut.

Post April 16th, 2007, 4:10 pm

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Woah, the whole site has turned ultra sensitive. Looks like the majority is gay [:(]

Post April 16th, 2007, 4:19 pm

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So im gay because i think its wrong that someone calls a school shooting where more than 30 people die lame and boring.

I just cant stand the comments people make sometimes, because if something doesnt matter to you, just keep you mouth shut.

So that makes me gay? Pretty annoying. Just because you can hide behind your computer and say whatever you want thinking your safe doesnt mean you have to. Just remember that half of this shiz you people say on here you wouldnt even have the balls to say to someone in real life.

-edited due to some moderator editing that was unnecessary and immature-

Post April 16th, 2007, 4:26 pm

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Nope, was refering to Crazy Monkey.

>> I may not be a moderator, but try to be a little more sensitive please!


I get what Edge is saying. It happens all over the world non-stop. Yet I don't see you caring for all those people that died else where due to unfortnate events.

And yeah it's lame to be honest, but Symbiotic thinks it's RAD!!!

Post April 16th, 2007, 4:42 pm

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Location: smithfield, Va, USA
^Just because I told you to be a little more sensitive doesn't mean I'm gay. Seriously, you don't know other people's experiences and I was just asking for a little respect for the families of those students. This is exactly what society does to people these days. It numbs people into thinking that death is to be treated like Dora the Explorer. I'm not asking you to cry anybody a river. I'm asking you to watch saying comments that are obviously offensive to those people.

Post April 16th, 2007, 5:03 pm
coolbeans326 User avatar
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What Edge is getting at is that this sort of stuff happens everyday in Iraq. On the news I'm constantly hearing how 12 people were blown up. And this happens 3 - 4 times a week at least, so by the end of the week you have another 100 dead in Iraq. But we don't have a thread talking about how sorry we are for them, why? Most likely because it's a foreign place to us.

And then something happens in America. I don't see why Edge would really need to care. Just because it's in America doesn't mean it directly effects him. It's still like those hundreds of people who are dead over in Iraq, at least to him.

I don't know about you guys, but I think I'm getting where Edge is coming from.

As for me personally, I think that's pretty sick. Especially since it turns out that they had been warned of this previously.

Post April 16th, 2007, 5:10 pm

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Originally posted by Edge

Pfft, school shootings are lame and boring. I mean it takes less than no balls to pull this kinda shiz off.

I agree that it's lame. I'm not so sure about your use of the word boring???

Anyway, it is pathetic that someone does this stupid and senseless act and it's too bad for the families and friends involved. True, this stuff happens in the rest of the world, but it doesn't make it ok...

Post April 16th, 2007, 5:15 pm

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^^While this is true, I would consider those suicide bombers to be a good deal more lame and ball-less (and pathetic) than a school shooter. Just saying. Plus, these sorts of events garner more attention from people like me, because I live at a school not altogether unlike VT. I can empathize a LOT more with engineering students than with Iraqi civilians, but that in no way means that their deaths are any less tragic.

While I would disagree with Edge calling school shootings "boring," he's absolutely right when mentioning how desensitized we have all become of the constant, senseless violence in the Middle East.

Post April 16th, 2007, 5:25 pm

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Yeah, we know all this shiz happens all over the world. Saying this is boring and lame is like saying the war in Iraq is boring because it also happens other places. 30 people got shot and killed, and people are just saying who cares, it happens other places too. What? Why do you bother commenting and saying that an insane dude with a gun walks into a school of university students and kills 30 of them is boring!?

I think it's horrible this keeps happening. What would make somebody do something like that??

Post April 16th, 2007, 6:16 pm

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Wow, and I thought the Lake Park bomb by me was bad...

Post April 16th, 2007, 6:25 pm

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I think Edge had a very good point but just didn't select the best word in "boring." Pretty sure many people here just completely disregarded how he was saying that the gunman was a coward by shooting people in school instead of basically taking on someone that could have a chance of fighting back.

Pretty sure some of you are overly sensitive. To snap back at someone (on the internet, no less) making a valid point before actually reading and comprehending the content isnt't really necessary.

I'm studying engineering at a school that's around 4/5 the size of VT, and I have two cousins at VA colleges (thankfully not VT) and I can carry on a discussion without getting pissed off for frankly almost no reason, so I think you guys can too. Also just found out that someone I knew from middle school lives in that dorm. Here's hoping he's ok.

Post April 16th, 2007, 6:26 pm

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I get where edge is coming from. 100%. I know a good reason it happened too. I read somewhere that it was surveyed, and over 60% of college males think life is a worthless hell basin or some other nonsence. So he probably had a effed up life somehow, and rampaged in anger and dispair. Very likely in my opinion.
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Post April 16th, 2007, 6:28 pm

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Location: Kettering, England / Northamptonshire, United Kingdom

boring and lame in the sense it's all been done before. It's nothing new just the same shiz over and over again. I mean back a couple of years ago at Columbine, that was truly shocking, but all we get now is some pathetic copy cat murderers. I think to the rest of the world these kind of events really do portray to us that America is one chuffed up place. Never of this scale has ever happened in the UK and even if a kid is stabbed accidentally by a rogue pen it is splattered all across the news here. I know I sure as hell, in this day and age, not want to grow up in America or even raise kids there. Canada or Australia are the places to be, nothing seems to happen in them places....ever [lol]

Post April 16th, 2007, 6:36 pm

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Yeah, but you've got to also realize that not everyone in America is a crazy person going around killing people, or even someone willing to randomly stab another person with a rogue pen in order to get splattered across the news. There are lots of good people here, I'd definately say the majority are doing exactly what they should be doing, being decent people, etc. Ofcourse, there are always those who make everyone look bad. Try to look past that sometimes because the rest of us do nothing to warrant some of the criticism. I'm not really taking it personally, frankly it doesn't matter much to me what you think of America, I'm just sayin'.

Post April 16th, 2007, 6:40 pm

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Post April 16th, 2007, 6:47 pm

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Like I said on CF -- how was this guy able to go from one building to another, two hours later, and continue shooting? It is almost like there was no warning system and no one knew who/what to look for! Certainly, it is an outrage on more levels than one!!

Sometimes the best thing to say is nothing at all.

Post April 16th, 2007, 7:11 pm

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^Well according to the school they warned people by "E-mailing" the rest of the students... Thats the worse warning system I have ever heard of!

Post April 16th, 2007, 7:17 pm
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and that email was sent out 2 hours after the first shooting, minutes before the second shooting. I think the school authorities are gonna get sued up their asses for not doing wehat is right and try and get as many people out of the danger. Yes Yes, I know it's protocol to lock the doors and stay in when stuff happens in schools, but you can see, it was a fox that was let into the chickens' pen and it ate all the chickens in there. So imo the authorities should have ordered a proper evacuation of sorts. They had an idea of who it was, the could have profiled him easily on evacuation.
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