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Post April 17th, 2007, 3:00 pm

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I've been hearing a lot of talk on the Legalization of [CENSORED WORD] from fellow peers at my school coming from both sides of the argument [even though many don't even know how to use it or know the effects of it].

Since I've been trying to get different views from the peers at my school, I was wondering what yours were.

Do you think that the government should legalize [CENSORED WORD]?

Post April 17th, 2007, 3:08 pm

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'It's not a war on drugs, it's a war on personal freedom'

Bill Hicks

Post April 17th, 2007, 3:20 pm
jayman Premium Member
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of course.. it would free up law enforcement to focus on making tweakers disapear

Post April 17th, 2007, 3:52 pm

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Post April 17th, 2007, 4:13 pm

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Originally posted by jayman

of course.. it would free up law enforcement to focus on making tweakers disapear


Denver is riddled with so many tweakers it is discusting. At least back in my hometown in Canada most of that stuff stayed indoors, out of sight. But here I wouldn't be shocked to see people 'rolling' on the sidewalk at 12 in the afternoon. [xx(]

Post April 17th, 2007, 4:29 pm

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let's see:

- we'd free up at least 35%-45% of the law enforcement budget which has been used chasing random prohibition things for the past 80 years. oh, wait, that's if we end all of this prohibition nonsense.
- smoking is generally more hazardous to your health, not to mention that cannabis has some of the oldest medicinal benefits known to man.
- legalization would lower the costs and rob the drug trade of a lot of its profits leverage. this would reduce poverty and crime. again, effect would be larger with a full end to prohibition.
- the US, as with a lot of other things, started chasing drugs after its attempts to go after alcohol failed. so, what's the point?

of course, perhaps it is just my opinion that this country was founded on the concept of individual freedom and choice. I just happen to share that opinion with our founding fathers. The beauty is that we all still have the right to freely hold our own opinions about these things.

Post April 17th, 2007, 4:40 pm
jayman Premium Member
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Post April 17th, 2007, 5:05 pm
coolbeans326 User avatar
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yes. Of all the drugs, weed should be the least of thier worries.

Post April 17th, 2007, 5:15 pm

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The beauty is that we all still have the right to freely hold our own opinions about these things.

And to go along with that, I feel it is our right to choose to consume [CENSORED WORD]. It does no harm to the people around you and very little harm to yourself if compared to other legal substances people tend to abuse on a daily basis.

Smoking [CENSORED WORD] kills a very small fraction of people compared to those smoking cigarettes. Though, [CENSORED WORD] related deaths do occur quite a lot. My theory on the why is that in order to get away from the law, people have to drive somewhere or get high while they drive. People are going to smoke no matter what, but if you take away the one thing in their way, there won't be as much pressure to be a "rebel."

European countries think we're bass akwards for learning to drive before we learn to drink. The statistics for drunk driving related deaths over there is astonishingly small compared to America. Why? Because there is no insentive to break the law. They learn at an early age what drinking does to you and how inappropriate it is to get drunk and drive. It's a simple concept really. Take away the insentive for rebellion, and there won't be any. Under this theory, after legalizing [CENSORED WORD], there would be less abuse of it.

*end rant*

Post April 17th, 2007, 5:50 pm
jayman Premium Member
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Originally posted by Kevin Brennan

let's see:

- we'd free up at least 35%-45% of the law enforcement budget which has been used chasing random prohibition things for the past 80 years. oh, wait, that's if we end all of this prohibition nonsense.
- smoking is generally more hazardous to your health, not to mention that cannabis has some of the oldest medicinal benefits known to man.
- legalization would lower the costs and rob the drug trade of a lot of its profits leverage. this would reduce poverty and crime. again, effect would be larger with a full end to prohibition.
- the US, as with a lot of other things, started chasing drugs after its attempts to go after alcohol failed. so, what's the point?

of course, perhaps it is just my opinion that this country was founded on the concept of individual freedom and choice. I just happen to share that opinion with our founding fathers. The beauty is that we all still have the right to freely hold our own opinions about these things.
uh..oh.. looks like i might not be the only one here with libertarian leanings

Post April 17th, 2007, 5:58 pm

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Post April 17th, 2007, 6:34 pm

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I say yes. Its not hazordious to your health and whats the point of it being out lawed. If they should outlaw something it shoud be smoking cigerates.
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Post April 17th, 2007, 6:44 pm

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I think it should be legalized. I've seen far more people perform idiotic acts while drunk than while high.

Post April 17th, 2007, 7:22 pm

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I'm not a saint,I'm 31 and when I was younger I tried every existing drug,but I say NO.
They play with your brain and sometimes it's funny but they leave you alone with a BIG nothing.

Post April 17th, 2007, 7:25 pm

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Oh good God what is up with this world and the excessive need to get high!? That's all I ever hear about teens and young adults doing. Okay sure, it's the "orgasm outside of sex", but what the heck? It's possible to live just as happy of a life without getting stoned, baked, or high...I say NO. Don't legalize anymore drugs...
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Post April 17th, 2007, 7:26 pm

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Originally posted by Kevin Brennan

let's see:

- we'd free up at least 35%-45% of the law enforcement budget which has been used chasing random prohibition things for the past 80 years. oh, wait, that's if we end all of this prohibition nonsense.
- smoking is generally more hazardous to your health, not to mention that cannabis has some of the oldest medicinal benefits known to man.
- legalization would lower the costs and rob the drug trade of a lot of its profits leverage. this would reduce poverty and crime. again, effect would be larger with a full end to prohibition.
- the US, as with a lot of other things, started chasing drugs after its attempts to go after alcohol failed. so, what's the point?

of course, perhaps it is just my opinion that this country was founded on the concept of individual freedom and choice. I just happen to share that opinion with our founding fathers. The beauty is that we all still have the right to freely hold our own opinions about these things.

I agree. 100%.
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Post April 17th, 2007, 7:36 pm
coolbeans326 User avatar
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^^ You really have to try it to understand it.

IMO, I see no problem with doing it occassionaly. When it's all you ever do, though, that's when there's a problem, but with that said, you can get those same problems from people who drink. I believe they're called alcoholics.

Post April 17th, 2007, 7:47 pm

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People often get violent and argumentative when they drink. I've never heard of this happening when they smoke pot. They usually just mellow out. Hey, maybe legalizing weed would help cut down on violent crime?

Post April 17th, 2007, 7:51 pm

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No. I know that it wouldn't really be such a huge problem if people did cut down a bit and maybe did it only once in a while! But if it's legalized, then some people are going to just do it whenever they want, out in the open without worrying about getting caught, and then like Coolbeans said, the problems start there.

Post April 17th, 2007, 8:01 pm

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The only problem I can see is students/employees dozing off and forgetting what they're doing.

But, McDonald's will get better business. [:D]

Post April 17th, 2007, 8:43 pm

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The same debate is progressing here in the south. I say no with good reason: Legalizing [CENSORED WORD] will temporarily place the drug dealers in there spot, afterwards things will become out of hand due to druggies getting used to it and search for more dangerous methods to end the crave they have worked on while on [CENSORED WORD]. [CENSORED WORD] falls under a stimulant and is the main key for opening the gate towards dangerous territory i.e. LSD, cocaine, crack, E?????????s and worst of all Man drugs. If you think high people are funny just go to the Do Not Enter part of your neighborhood and laugh your head off to the guys pointing guns in your face.

And don't even think that weed isn't dangerous it has approximately double the amount of tar than in a filter cigarette. The reason why the statistics show more deaths on cigarettes is because you can't smoke 30 joints a day like most cigarette smokers do then you would probably die when you reach number 20. [redsmoke]

Originally posted by GerstlCrazy

Oh good God what is up with this world and the excessive need to get high!? That's all I ever hear about teens and young adults doing. Okay sure, it's the "orgasm outside of sex", but what the heck? It's possible to live just as happy of a life without getting stoned, baked, or high...I say NO. Don't legalize anymore drugs...

Will you be able to live happily if there were no coasters anymore? People get addicted to drugs just like me and you are addicted to endorphins and adrenaline. Maybe the police should let druggies ride coasters all day long seeing that drugs also causes endorphin release in the brain. [:D]

Post April 17th, 2007, 9:12 pm

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Only weak minded people goto other drugs when using Mary J. That is one reason why if they do ever legalize it, there should be limits and regulations on it just like how alcohol is today.

I don't have any objections to making it legal. As long as there are laws to protect abusers and kids. Again, just like alcohol.

But whether they make it legal or not, it will always be there. So meh.

Post April 17th, 2007, 9:23 pm

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Post April 17th, 2007, 9:38 pm

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I think people start using harder drugs after using weed because they get kind of desensitized to the concept of drugs; like they're just not a big deal anymore since they use drugs regularly themselves and seem to be fine doing it. Of course once they try the harder stuff, they start going downhill because it's almost inevitable that they'll get hooked.

Post April 17th, 2007, 9:41 pm

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Originally posted by dj-dj

[CENSORED WORD] falls under a stimulant and is the main key for opening the gate towards dangerous territory i.e. LSD, cocaine, crack, E?????????s and worst of all Man drugs.

And don't even think that weed isn't dangerous it has approximately double the amount of tar than in a filter cigarette. The reason why the statistics show more deaths on cigarettes is because you can't smoke 30 joints a day like most cigarette smokers do then you would probably die when you reach number 20. [redsmoke]

^Firstly, self-restraint and control prevents people from experimenting. So really it depends on the person. I think the whole propoganda behind gateway drug seems to make it seem like you will do more hardcore drugs just because they're illegal unlike alcohol or tobacco.

I'm not saying that [CENSORED WORD] won't open any doors, but so will tobacco and alcohol. Just depends on the person.

Secondly, you can't overdose on [CENSORED WORD]. There is a very small risk of having to go to the emergency room for anxiety attacks, but you won't die. It doesn't even come close to alcohol poisoning. Also, the high from [CENSORED WORD] lasts a lot longer than a "nicotine buzz". Therefore, if consumption is controlled, then people won't be getting anywhere near the point of an ER trip.


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