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Post April 17th, 2007, 10:04 pm

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Whats wrong with you people?! Guys, sure your just as addicted to coasters as someone would be to drugs, but [CENSORED WORD] can KILL! I rather have druggies on coasters then well, drugs! Stopping that would let the world live in peace for once. Drugs just give lowlifes jobs, and the pleasure of being high, then they might die. I say NO with a strong passion.

Oh, and to those who think that it is ok to do once, well then your hooked for life. Once you do it twice and see no harm you do it more and more. Next thing you know your a druggie.

Post April 17th, 2007, 10:08 pm

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Post April 17th, 2007, 10:08 pm

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Post April 17th, 2007, 10:11 pm

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^Exactly! I hate it when people say that.

[CENSORED WORD] kills the same way alcohol and cigarettes do. Stupid accidents for not being careful and long term use.

Post April 17th, 2007, 10:11 pm

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What I mean by that is [CENSORED WORD] worsens your senses and when you think it is ok you go straight to more leathal than dangerous drugs...

Post April 17th, 2007, 10:12 pm

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Do you see me reaching for a heroine needle?

Hell no!

Post April 17th, 2007, 10:14 pm

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Have you looked at society lately? People are complete morons and idiots. You may think we can train to world to contain themselves if this stuff gets legalized but they will not listen! Its like chewing gum in school.

Post April 17th, 2007, 10:17 pm

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So why is alcohol legal? I know more idiots and morons that drink than smoke. How often do you read about someone getting killed by a drunk driver, vs someone who smoked a little weed?

Post April 17th, 2007, 10:18 pm

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From being from Chicago... Its an even match between the two.

Post April 17th, 2007, 10:48 pm

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My thirteen year old friend does weed so i think there arn't enough laws on it now if they can't catch him. They should just drop the laws since the current ones arn't being enforced.
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Post April 17th, 2007, 11:13 pm

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Mmk. If [CENSORED WORD] is so deadly, what do you care? It's riding the earth of the weaker population. Fine by me. I don't have a dependancy on any drug. I couldn't even get addicted to nicotine. I smoked for about a year just to do it, and also to prove to my mom that when there is a will there is a way. I dropped it cold turkey. [CENSORED WORD] was a fun thing to do with friends. My mom knew about it and was ok with it as long as we didn't abuse it or do anything stupid while under the influence. We were in my house doing no harm to anybody besides the zombies in our video games. It's the stupid people that ruin things for everybody else in any case, not just this one. Moderation is essential. People who don't understand that concept deserve to OD.

Just my $0.42

Post April 17th, 2007, 11:17 pm
hyyyper User avatar
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i say legalise it, sigarettes and alchohol are also toxic

Post April 17th, 2007, 11:44 pm

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Im yet to see a good argument for the no side here. Im in favor of legalizing weed. Basically most of my reasons have already been stated, but I did want to point out one MAJOR misconception.

Dj-Dj, you said that legalizing weed would allow drug dealers to prosper. This is VERY wrong. When a substance becomes legal, one major result is that the prices of the substance go down substantially and become subject to government regulation (meaning more money to be spent on poverty, domestic affairs, and foreign affairs). Because of this, drug dealers would actually go ut of business and suffer great losses, since the prices of the [CENSORED WORD] they are selling would instantly drop to substnatially lower than the likely prices that the dealers paid for the weed originally. In this manner, legalization would actually serve to put illegal dealers out of business, moving the distribution of [CENSORED WORD] to government regulated public places just like it is in the Netherlands currently. Also, this would eliminate the only REAL danger of [CENSORED WORD], which is it being used while trying to avoid being caught, which often is the one thing that can lead to deaths and the like. If weed were legalized deaths resulting from it would be all but eliminated, since then most [CENSORED WORD] use would just take place in public places such as cafes and peoples homes rather than out on the streets and such.

Post April 17th, 2007, 11:52 pm

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I say we need to fix our current smoking problem before we start a new one. Smoking is already terrible, I can't stand it when smokers look offended if I cough or something after they blow it into my face. They act like I'm disrespecting THEM. Look in the mirror! [CENSORED WORD] is unpleasant, VERY unpleasant for the people that don't smoke it. It stinks, it stays in the air, it makes your breath stink, if it's legalized people will do it more often, therefore only making it worse.. and it's just a terrible idea.

Whatever though, I'm "completely uneducated on it," because DARE doesn't do anything, right?

Post April 18th, 2007, 12:02 am

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DARE actually doesn't do anything, in my opinion. If anything, it makes kids more curious about drugs (from what I've seen with my group of friends and I who all went through DARE.) I would be all for legalization of [CENSORED WORD], but I don't see it realistically happening in the US anytime soon.

Post April 18th, 2007, 12:14 am

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Originally posted by guitarplayer673

DARE actually doesn't do anything, in my opinion. If anything, it makes kids more curious about drugs (from what I've seen with my group of friends and I who all went through DARE.) I would be all for legalization of [CENSORED WORD], but I don't see it realistically happening in the US anytime soon.

DARE made me have a complete resentment for nearly all drugs. Caffeine I can handle, but smoking, drinking.. I just don't get it. If you can't have fun without alcohol, drugs, etc, then that's kind of sad, don't you think?

Post April 18th, 2007, 12:43 am

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I don't think DARE did much for me even though I never did drugs and didn't really drink until I was 21; I like to attribute that to my own morals instead.

Post April 18th, 2007, 1:16 am
hyyyper User avatar
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Originally posted by e-man

moving the distribution of [CENSORED WORD] to government regulated public places just like it is in the Netherlands currently.

no, it is still illegal to grow [CENSORED WORD], but it's not illegal to sell it. it's a bit strange, but if you regulate it, there will be some company's just like the beer and sigarettes companys who will take the market lead and buy their weed from farmers that grow them

Post April 18th, 2007, 2:09 am

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Originally posted by hyyyper

Originally posted by e-man

moving the distribution of [CENSORED WORD] to government regulated public places just like it is in the Netherlands currently.

no, it is still illegal to grow [CENSORED WORD], but it's not illegal to sell it. it's a bit strange, but if you regulate it, there will be some company's just like the beer and sigarettes companys who will take the market lead and buy their weed from farmers that grow them

Thats exactly what I was saying. [:)] The [CENSORED WORD] sold in the "coffee shops" is taxed by the Netherlands government just like anyhting else. Also Holland is slowly moving towards an inevitable point at which the [CENSORED WORD] will be cultivated in a controlled government-regulated environment from what I understand. MUCH better than the US if you ask me. [:p]

Post April 18th, 2007, 5:09 am

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Whats the hype? Its a fxcking drug that makes you happy.
Go dislocate your shoulder and LEGALLY get a few hits of morphine or something. Weed is a brain draining substance. Its pointless and not cool for those who think it is.

Post April 18th, 2007, 7:17 am

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The 'no' side is beginning to put up some forceful arguements.
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Post April 18th, 2007, 8:27 am

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I am still waiting for Canadamos to figure out what to say after my comments on page 3.

Post April 18th, 2007, 8:54 am
hyyyper User avatar
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Originally posted by english coaster guy

... Its pointless and not cool for those who think it is.

true, so are beer and sigarettes, but everyone uses them

(geesh, i'm really using to much "beer and sigarettes"-arguments)

Post April 18th, 2007, 9:14 am

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So far I have seen some strong enough arguments from the do it side and just have to let you guys know the next couple of things.

Unlike cigarettes, [CENSORED WORD] causes your heart rate to increase, memory loss, loss of coordination and distorted perception. This might seem like the same effects as in alcohol but unlike that [CENSORED WORD] is very addictive, can cause anxiety, panic, paranoia attacks, damage to the respiratory, reproductive and immune systems and psychological independency.

Many people didn't understand my statement before: The brain has a specific alignment that can be observed when you are drinking and works as follows: When you get drunk you are happy, friendly and don't care about too much OR the exact opposite, when you sober up the brain tries to decrease the effects by trying to tolerate with the alcohol to get you to a normal state again. This alignment then short shoots the normal level after most of the alcohol is worked out of your system and goes into the uncomfortable depressive feeling also known as a hangover. You can test this by getting drunk and to reduce the hangover drink another bear the next morning. (Works like a bomb)

Doctors know about this alignment and takes great care when making decisions while putting people under anti depressants seeing that when the alignment goes into the negative you have to take the same dose again just to get to the normal state.
When a person is under antidepressants he/she has to get permission to climb off of the drug because there have been many suicides the past couple of years due to this step.

When using [CENSORED WORD], THC (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol) affects the brain with this alignment at a much greater value and in return causing the negatives to be a much greater value, this means to get high the next day you should smoke more than you did the night before to surpass normal. This is the direct result of people getting used to the drug and will then struggle to get high again or worst of all on a normal level again. The FDA said that it isn't the drug that is addictive but the high you receive while using, therefore a very strong minded person can fall under the influence of more dangerous drugs as they are ready to commit suicide due to there alignment being deep in the negatives.

I did do Mary J a few years ago and I don't see what the big deal is anyways. Sometimes it's fun and sometimes its crap but there are much better things to go do in the world than to waste money on that shiz. 2 Years back I also did some E seeing that almost everybody in the major crowd at H2O does it and have to say all of these things are just a big waste of money and brain cells. Clean now for 2 years. YAY!!!

Post April 18th, 2007, 9:58 am

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Location: Camarillo, CA, USA

dj, yo need to get some facts straight man. So much of what you say is just plain wrong.

"Unlike cigarettes, [CENSORED WORD] causes your heart rate to increase, memory loss, loss of coordination and distorted perception. This might seem like the same effects as in alcohol but unlike that [CENSORED WORD] is very addictive, can cause anxiety, panic, paranoia attacks, damage to the respiratory, reproductive and immune systems and psychological independency."

First of all, [CENSORED WORD] is NOT very addictive, and in fact there are many studies indicating that it is less addictive than even alcohol. Also, [CENSORED WORD] doesn't cause anything the likes of paranoia unless taken in an extremely large dosages. [CENSORED WORD] has not been proven to have a negative effect on the repiratory, reproductive, or immune systems. Basically the rest of what you said I think may just be me not understanding due to the whole lost in translation business, but Id like to see a link to some evidence of the whole alignment thing or whatever it is you are trying to describe.


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