Seeing as I don't have to go fish for this thread anymore, I'll add something that I wanted to say a while ago...
Originally posted by guitarplayer673
The whole "being gay is a choice" thing is complete BS. If gay people could simply choose to be straight, I'm sure most would, just to be able to fit in and not feel separated from people who don't agree with their lifestyle. Just my two cents.
You're right, but in another way you're wrong...
Homosexuality is not, and nowhere near a choice in life. It can be proven, however, not with the statement you chose.
If gay people could simply choose to be straight, I'm sure most would, just to be able to fit in and not feel separated from people who don't agree with their lifestyle
Absolutely incorrect. However weird this may sound, sexual preference is sort of similar to a hobbie or interest (bear with me). Some people love roller coasters, and others like, whatever, airplanes if you will. Neither of those two are going to adjust themselves simply because a chuck of society doesn't make room for them...