First of all, a great shot of our tax dollars at work. And not even all workers are pictured below!

My friend was doing a reflection project for photography

Already testing! Employees were riding for now, and the park was seeming to be very busy. But Busch handled it well.

I see something that I didn't before.....

My least favorite hyper I've been on, but it still is incredibly amazing, if the ride was a little more intense and less trimmed it would be incredible.

We went to Apollos Chariot and rode 4 times without getting off. A good start, we figured everyone would be going to Griffon, so we stayed away for a while.
Then we went for the water rides, it was warm enough, and was going to get so hot later we knew the lines would be too long. We rode the rapids twice, with the same people getting soaked twice which was extremely amusing since it was still cold. and then went to Escape from Pompeii and rode twice. It was very good that we got through these early, and the lines were incredibly long later as presumed.

Next we went to Darkastle, which I was very excited about, and the ones who hadn't been to IOA thought it was amazing, I thought the 3d owned IOA's Spiderman, but the ride itself, no way. But it was fun. We also barely got here before the line went to a very long wait. The theming on the outside was way better than anything spiderman had though.

The line is as nicely themed as Spidermans I guess you could say.

So we went to Griffon after a few other flat rides and things.

Did I like it more than Sheikra??

Nope. I didn't. I liked Sheikra better. Helix was more fun, and it had an underground.

The water splash was nicely themed but not as cool as Florida's either, you couldn't stand so the train came right at you. The only thing better was a second inversion and the wider trains. I didn't notice the higher drop obviously. The interaction with people wasn't as good. I liked eating right under the track in Florida, nothing like that here. But the new area looked very nice. It was cool to see the huge brewery from the top though.

The pathways are nice as usual and themed well, the park is clean.

Next we went to eat, and I love Busch Gardens food.

That lemonade looks so fing good right now. You know it.

Well.... Back home we just got our first snowfall, our earliest ever... This was taken the night we left... Sooo... Why is this relavent at all...?
Alpengiest of course.

The theming is great like all Busch rides.

One of the most famous Zero-g's because of the angle you can take the shot at. I don't know why I didn't take that great shot. I got in on film though but I haven't finished my Busch video.

This scares people-It's fun to watch.

Beautiful drop. Very fun, but trimmed way too much at the top. If you ride in the front at night, you are hanging way down the drop and the last train is still hanging on to the dumb brake. The train picks back up speed though, and the MCBR is pretty light.

That wasn't there before. Obviously

Alpengiest, seeming small with huge Griffon in the background.

The awesome drop again.

Yes, Griffon does meet in the middle with the other two coasters. It's becoming crowded! Almost too crowded if you ask me, this used to look organized before Griffon popped in there.
After riding more we finished off the day with night rides on Loch Ness, which I loved a LOT. My favorite arrow tied with anaconda, and both are incredible rides for sure. Then over to Griffon for two rides. Then the park was empty. It's badly lit and dark, haha. We went over to Big Bad Wolf which was fantastic at night and if it wasn't trimmed it would be highly thought of by many I'm sure. We rode the 3 times in the back without getting of and a couple in the front. Over the Alpengeist where the trim pretty much stopped you, in the front three times. Then finished off the day with 4 straight rides on Apollos Chariot, including the final train to leave the station which was fun. I've never been to a park at night other than IOA at sunset with Hulk all lit up which was cool. But BGE, it was the most fun I've ever had that night in a park, this summer I'm staying at Hotels- considering splitting 4 way is only about $20- and making two day trips just so I can stay for the parks nights, I've never had more fun at a park and it was memorable for everyone that night, since no one else had been for a night either.

Awesome Predrop!

Awesome Air!
Thanks fo reading!
Six Flags Great Adventure will come eventually.
Oh, if anyone wants big images for any reason like wallpaper or something, just ask.