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Thorpe Park(Inc Saw: The Ride) - 14th March 2009

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Posts: 394
Points on hand: 1,075.00 Points
Location: Leicester, United Kingdom
I had an amazing day at Thorpe today.

(the pics it am using are not mine they are from various websites they just make it more interesting)

First up to boost my adrenaline i went on X:\ No Way Out, which is basically a dark indoor roller coaster backwards...

Then i went to Saw: The Ride (My first eurofighter)and used the fast track queue, i was confronted by a ride attendant telling me i would die if i went any further, and so i went on(and died, obviously... that is why i am writing a Trip report). When i went into the station i saw a loading configuration i had never seen before, 4 separate cars were being loaded at one given time. When i boarded the train i was surprised to see how comfy it was, when it left the station it went round a 180 degree corner into the indoor section, there was a head chopper 'trap' which it will not tell you as it would ruin the fun. after thinking i was going to be decapitated it dived into a insane little vertical drop and round into the barrel roll, and encountered my fear of heights with a gut smashing 100 degree drop into a immelman, overbank, an insane airtime hill and a very fun turnaround into the MCBR, diving into a dive loop (bad choice of works i know)and finishing on a brake run.

I then headed for lots of rides that were broken down, but luckily they managed to fix them in time for me, i headed for vortex, basically a spinning disorienting mess... although it was very fun
after that i went to the parks 'screamin swing''rush'
I then headed for 'Nemesis Inferno' that parks rip off of nemesis (yes... i know it isn't technically a rip off as they are owned by the same company) When i went to Thorpe last time i didn't queue for the front carriage and thought it was tame, but this time i did and wow that is a pretty awesome coaster, especially with the last helix being so fast.
I went on Samurai next, which is a random mess of spinning and flipping and upsidowning and random crazy insane madness, this is an amazing ride with a great adrenaline.
Saw: the ride had been broken down since 10 minutes after i had rode it so i was very lucky to ride it, and VERY lucky to get an ultimate fast track.
Next i went for my previous favorite ride 'Colossus', a ten inversion legend that flips you round and round in a five barrel roll adventure...
for the rest of the day i rode on the same rides over and over again, but i didn't get bored...

Sadly stealth was closed but i still had a great day.

Thanks for reading... Stealthrider5583

Post March 17th, 2009, 7:42 pm

Posts: 10
Points on hand: 1,310.00 Points
That's a bummer. I sure hope they can make it reliable soon.

Post March 18th, 2009, 12:34 pm

Posts: 3
Points on hand: 1,222.00 Points
This park is amazing!
I want so much to know it...

Post March 18th, 2009, 12:40 pm
gouldy User avatar
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Your pictures are really good, really nice infact.
Shame about Stealth being closed though.

I am going down on the 11th, 12th and 13th of April, so I'm hoping I get to ride Saw as well, i.e. it's not broken down [lol]

Post March 18th, 2009, 1:02 pm

Posts: 4357
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Location: Cannock, West Midlands, United Kingdom

shame indeed, im going to go down on a wednesday sometime in the next month so i can ride. it will be quiet so hopefully they will have it up and running at some time that i am in the que LOL
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