I downloaded the eurofighter from dasmatze web site and it works great, but unfortunately it has been made for the 'Towering Coaster' which does not have a vertical lift and you can't do a vertical drop more than 90 degrees angle. Is there any way of making the eurofighter car work in the 'Extended Coaster' which does let you do a vertical drop more than 90 degrees, or any other coaster that does have a vertical lift? Thanx.
It is made for the extended coaster, just uses the name "Towering Coaster" since custom names are not possible yet. You can put the car on a different track using the Custom CTR creator at http://www.rct-3.org/
the whole problem with rct 3 is that you can not lay tracks wich drops more then 90 degrees and that you are limited with diagonal tracks.. On the other hand, there are much more choices for coasters in rct 3 then there are in no limits, so try to do voth vice versa..