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Discovery Kingdom And Santa Cruz Beach Board Walk

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Posts: 1428
Points on hand: 3,002.00 Points
Location: Rio rancho, New mexico, USA

Here are my trip reports for discovery kingdom and santa cruz beach board walk.

With discovery kingdom i was surprised because there was so much theming i coulden't believe it. I wasen't expecting anything because it was six flags but this blew me away

Roar - i had heard wonderful things about this ride so i was worried that it would disappoint but it diden't. It was the most intense wooden coaster i have been on. The line wait was about 10 min for front. I rode in front the first time back second and middle third. My only complaint? This was pure intensity. You have a ride like the ozark wildcat which is pure fun all around but roar was not like that it was pure intense. Plus they hit a button where the restraint came down into your gut and that really took away from the fun.

Kong - Just another piece of trash slc. Only rode it to up my coaster count but other wise wasen't a good ride. The First ride in the back was good but other than that just disapointing but its an slc what can you expect?

Cobra - Another one i only rode for the coaster count. But to my surprise it was quite fun. It gave more than i expected. This ride is located near kong and medusa and what was funny is that its louder than the both of them. But a good quick ride with no line.

Boomerang - Now other than the MASS production of this ride i don't see what is wrong with it. It was really fun. It was broken till about four but i saw them testing and i got inline outside of the line. Ten minuets later there are 50 people behind me as the attendent opened the ride. I was the first person on as i was at the head of the line so i got in the front. It was really fun, alot more than i thought. My second favorite ride.

Medusa - so this was a big ride as it could be seen the tallest and most twisted ride as your coming over the park. I was affride that this ride was over hyped and it wasen't. My first ride was in the back row As it had the shortest line and was well my first time on this. I got so sick on this that i could hardly walk. So later in the day as my last ride i sat in the second to last row and let me tell you it made a big difference. Then it was just fun and another reason B and M is my favorite manufacture. It was smooth fast and fun all around perfect.

Santa cruz - Now my only complaint about this park is that its located all around gangs and you walk in and just fell like your going to get shot.

Hurricane - now from fireball at celebration city i expected very little from this but somehow it was better then fireball. I rode it with my sister three times and dispite it being really rough it was fun. It also had no line so that made it even better.

Giant dipper - My now third favorite ride behind wildfire and ozark wildcat. I was amazed by how much fun it was and the speed. My favorite part about it was the fact that the lap bars diden't completely come down on you so you had space to shoot up where as on roar it dug into my stomach. I only rode it three times Because the park was just about to close. The wait was not long to so that adds on to an even greater ride. They had to take off one train for some reason but i dont know why. My only complaint was that the trains. My 54 inch sister could hardly see over the top of the train but otherwise no problems.

So it was a fun trip.

Heres the list of favorite rides on the trip best top worst bottom and the amount of times rode.

Giant dipper - 3
Medusa - 2
Boomerang - 1
Hurricane - 3
cobra - 1
roar - 3
kong - 3
Last edited by B and M on June 20th, 2007, 2:26 am, edited 1 time in total.
Trim breaks are your enemy, retracking/smoothing is your friend. I miss b&m floored sit downs. coaster count=39

Post June 16th, 2007, 2:16 pm

Posts: 6124
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Location: Minnesota, USA
3) Sounds like you had fun!
1-Millennium Force | 2-Intimidator 305 | 3-Fury 325
4-Skyrush | 5-Iron Rattler | 6-X2 | 7-Kingda Ka
8-Voyage | 9-Maverick | 10-Monster


Post June 16th, 2007, 4:06 pm

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Location: Tonawanda, NY, USA

Have fun at SCBB, it's one of my favorite parks and has an amazing atmosphere at night.

Post June 20th, 2007, 2:31 am
jayman Premium Member
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giant dipper was my first wooden coaster... i still love that ride.. even with the morgan "fun wrecker' trains

Post June 20th, 2007, 2:36 am

Posts: 1270
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Location: Boston, MA, USA

Yeah Santa Cruz is a great little park, sounds like you had fun, I don't know what you're saying about the gangs though, I didn't get that vibe in SC at all. Did you get on the S&S Double Shot there, that's my favorite S&S tower even though it's the shortest one I've been on.

Post June 20th, 2007, 2:48 am

Posts: 1428
Points on hand: 3,002.00 Points
Location: Rio rancho, New mexico, USA

No i can't do towers i cower in fear. But when we got there there were a whole bunch of people who had gang tatoos, taging, and just recked up. It wasen't in the park it self im guessing because the security was so tight but it was so close like just out side the park less than half a mile away. It really made my parents uneasy.
Trim breaks are your enemy, retracking/smoothing is your friend. I miss b&m floored sit downs. coaster count=39

Post June 20th, 2007, 3:10 am

Posts: 94
Points on hand: 2,901.00 Points
That's strange. When I go to Santa Cruz, it's usually an inviting atmosphere. I've never seen any gang problems there. Besides that, hope you had a great time.

Post June 20th, 2007, 3:23 am
jayman Premium Member
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Post June 25th, 2007, 5:03 pm

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SC is a semi-Gang hangout. I go there alot and I have seen some Gang member like people there.

Post June 25th, 2007, 5:07 pm

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Post June 25th, 2007, 5:11 pm

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Location: a place, A state, USA

not tryin to be raciest. When I say Gang like I mean People tagging flashing gang signs at cars and spitting at people, (I have seen all of that in SC)

Post June 25th, 2007, 5:47 pm

Posts: 1428
Points on hand: 3,002.00 Points
Location: Rio rancho, New mexico, USA

we were driving around to find parking and we saw a bunch of people hanging there pants low, have a strange series of gang tattoes, have drugs, and carrying weapons. It might be a little racist to some peoples eyes but im just saying what is true. In the park itself there were no gang members but im guessing because of security.
Trim breaks are your enemy, retracking/smoothing is your friend. I miss b&m floored sit downs. coaster count=39

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