When you people buy a dog that isn't a mutt where the hell do you think they come from? Also, you have think about any alternatives to this method. How else are they going to breed them? fence in a plot of magic prairie with a rainbow in them and allow them all to run free and drink from sparkling stream water? At least this isn't a vegan thread.
Originally posted by Real
However, there are a million other things we as humans should be trying to eradicate before we tackle this issue. How about human cruelty such as hunger? How many men, women and childer suffer each day, in our OWN cities and towns from hunger? How many of you have food every single day and dont finish it all, or, throw away food?
Hunger is a big deal to me, far larger than animal cruelty. So much so, while I wont ignore animal cruelty if I see it, its just not a big deal when you compare it to other things that go on in your OWN neighborhoods every day and you ignore it.
However, there are a million other things we as humans should be trying to eradicate before we tackle this issue. How about human cruelty such as hunger? How many men, women and childer suffer each day, in our OWN cities and towns from hunger? How many of you have food every single day and dont finish it all, or, throw away food?
Hunger is a big deal to me, far larger than animal cruelty. So much so, while I wont ignore animal cruelty if I see it, its just not a big deal when you compare it to other things that go on in your OWN neighborhoods every day and you ignore it.
The above is quoted for making sense and basically saying what I wanted to say with somewhat more proper English. Fix the goddamned lower income housing sector before you fix animals. If you care so much about everything, how about you work on getting people the hell out of their poverty. The housing sector by where I work is absolutely TERRIBLE. Imagine having to check the front lawn (what front lawn their is) for hypodermic needles and condoms everyday before you let your kids play in it. People do that where I work. I come to work everyday and pick up booze bottles, needles, used condoms, and drug paraphernalia from all over the ground to make a sad attempt at cleaning the neighborhood and so that if the lawn need mowing I won't run over a goddamned needle and make a hepatitis/AIDS missile. Fix people before you fix animals. I absolutely no tolerance for idiots that can't understand this.