This is the thread where you post all of the awesome things that have come from animal testing and why it's one of the best ideas ever. This was inspired by a wonderfully well written PM from a special user on this very wholesome family website.
"You support animal testing? Wow I guess you really are a little bug who needs to be squashed."
Isn't that just a fountain of never ending greatness? I mean I'm a bad person for supporting animal testing and yet killing an insect is totally 100% cool even though it's also a living thing.
According the BBC "Animal testing has helped to develop vaccines against diseases like rabies, polio, measles, mumps, rubella and TB".
I mean like who the hell really needs those vaccines? Pixie the mouse and Pruella the Piggy could have lived happy lives instead of dying for us so we could have wonderful vaccines like the above. Nobody needs vaccines like that, only pussies use them anyways.
Additinoally the BBC says "Antibiotics, HIV drugs, insulin and cancer treatments rely on animal tests. Other testing methods aren't advanced enough"
Pfft I laugh in the face of diabetes, cancer and HIV.
Another thing said by the BBC is that "Operations on animals helped to develop organ transplant and open-heart surgery techniques"
HAHAHAHAHAHA! God what loser needs a different organ from an organ transplant?! They should be left to rot and die for the animals.
Summary: Advancing humanity is for morons. Fido the dalmation is more important. Post here if you <3 animal testing. ... ndex.shtml