Originally posted by Canadmos
Eh, if they suck don't get in line. I know if I were to ride it I would probably have a lot of fun. Not everything has to be intense as hell.
I know that, but seriously, come on, if Galaxyland was your home park, what would you've chose, a Eurofighter, or a spinner? The Eurofighter would bring in far more revenue because they could advertise it as thrilling. The spinner at TPAMOA is only as popular as it is, because it's the most thrilling coaster there. The Eurofigher can do inversions, it can have over vertical lifts. They could've been more creative had they had the opportunity to have inversions, and the layout wouldn't have been entirely helices.
I mean, I'm content with it, but it's not going to be overly fun after a while, and it's not like the mall is too poor to afford a Eurofighter.