Originally posted by CalawayPark
And Coasterkidmwm, you know my opinion on the Iraq war. I have respect for the soldiers for risking their lives, but I think it's pointless and it's all there for no reason. Why should we join a war that was started IMO because of non-existent weapons of mass destruction?
First off:
Poland, the country notorious for trying to kill Panzer's with horse mounted soldiers, had thousands of military officers shot by Stalin, had its capital city decimated because the Soviet soldiers randomly decided to stop and not help the citizens with their random rebellion which resulted in many lost lives and total destruction of the city (look up the AK or Armia Krakowzka or something spelled like that, really interesting bunch of people), and after all that was taken over by the communists, STILL MANAGED TO SCROUNGE UP A MILITARY AND DO SOMETHING.
Lets see what happened to Canada over the past decades:
Quebec tried to separate
Things that are absent from the above list that Poland had to deal with:
1. Complete loss of the military
2. Genocide
3. Communism
4. Getting attacked in some form