Ive hundereds of different points of view.
In all honesty i have watched and occaisionally do watch the odd porno now and again, although i am indeed quite religious.
The love i think there is between me and my girlfreind has driven me away from cyber sex for a while now because quite correctly the real mc'coy is much better.
If it was up to me i would start to knuckle down on sorting the internet out, or introducing alot more security. The amount of child porn has increased substantially in our country in the last year or so. And there have been a few influential deaths of those carrying out the whole bondage/pain thing.
To be fair the odd look at a porno never did anyone any harm, but it sure has got out of hand.
Im sure if an 07 edition of the Bible came out, and the Holy Ghost went onto google there would be a remastered version of Leviticus 18, but for know, what is there to do?