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jay's first ever you tube video

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Post July 28th, 2007, 6:45 pm
jayman Premium Member
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be warned, it's boring, but i love my baby
Last edited by jayman on July 29th, 2007, 12:02 am, edited 1 time in total.

Post July 28th, 2007, 7:04 pm

Posts: 4357
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was there a point to this video, yeah it was boring
Making screams come true

Post July 28th, 2007, 7:09 pm
jayman Premium Member
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yep the point was i just got a camera, and i own an arp odyssey.[blah]

Post July 28th, 2007, 7:30 pm

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Post July 28th, 2007, 9:12 pm

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Woah, imagine listening to that while stoned! ey Jar" man

Post July 28th, 2007, 9:25 pm
jayman Premium Member
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imagine that and a roland juno 106 and a korg poly 800 and a roland sh 1000. with some effects maybe(staytuned for next video)

Post July 28th, 2007, 10:30 pm

Posts: 4138
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Location: Tonawanda, NY, USA

Originally posted by Matt

Woah, imagine listening to that while stoned! ey Jar" man

I would love to play around with that thing while stoned.

Post July 28th, 2007, 11:09 pm
jayman Premium Member
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