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Post July 29th, 2007, 4:28 pm

Posts: 844
Points on hand: 9,043.00 Points
Location: Milan, Italy

Due to a black out I lost all my recent data including GOTCHA.
I'm really sorry but I started a new project:a wood coaster with millennium flyer trains which will feature more lifts,a funny theming and a final splash!
It's the first time that I pay attention on intention is to create a great exciting attraction.
Layout is complete just on papers:In the editor I finished the a pic


Post July 29th, 2007, 4:45 pm

Posts: 5626
Points on hand: 5,993.00 Points
Location: Millbrook, Alabama, USA

I always appreciate a decently made wood .... let me know if you need a tester.

Sometimes the best thing to say is nothing at all.

Post July 29th, 2007, 4:48 pm

Posts: 844
Points on hand: 9,043.00 Points
Location: Milan, Italy

Post July 29th, 2007, 5:04 pm

Posts: 5626
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Location: Millbrook, Alabama, USA

tconwell [@]
Sometimes the best thing to say is nothing at all.

Post August 2nd, 2007, 8:26 am

Posts: 844
Points on hand: 9,043.00 Points
Location: Milan, Italy

This is an important update:layout is finished,heartlined and supported[xx(]colours are not definite,rails,ties and handrails will be dark brown.
Now I have to reinforce all the banked turns:I would like to do a nice and "real" work on it but I'm not an expert.
If someone wants to help me...[approve]


Post August 2nd, 2007, 11:05 am

Posts: 2748
Points on hand: 4,830.00 Points
Location: Medinah, Il, USA

Millennium Flyer trains on steal?! It's original I can say that. I like the layout though.

Post August 2nd, 2007, 11:58 am

Posts: 844
Points on hand: 9,043.00 Points
Location: Milan, Italy

Well,wood supports were horrible and with the simple structure,steel is the only solution.
But I'm not so convinced about trains....

Post August 2nd, 2007, 12:01 pm

Posts: 1936
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Post August 2nd, 2007, 12:45 pm

Posts: 844
Points on hand: 9,043.00 Points
Location: Milan, Italy

This is the final colour but....which kind of train is better?


Post August 2nd, 2007, 2:32 pm

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Location: USA

Post August 2nd, 2007, 9:52 pm

Posts: 1460
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Location: Scottsdale, AZ, USA
^ Wouldn't it be better with Flyer trains because of the laterals, but barone, choose what you want. I do not care whether either is used.

Post August 2nd, 2007, 10:08 pm

Posts: 2864
Points on hand: 4,152.00 Points
Location: Monroeville, PA, USA

Watch for wheel hits with PTCs. You could always use Morgans if you wanted too.

Post August 3rd, 2007, 2:58 pm

Posts: 844
Points on hand: 9,043.00 Points
Location: Milan, Italy

Well 4 seats PTC has been the final choice.They fit better with that structure and I think also with the name of the ride!

ABOUT SUPPORTS:I'm getting really crazy with them 'cause I wanna do a good job.They're not complete but this is a first example:

This was the hardest part 'cause it's a fast banked turn;it's not closed in a cement tunnel so I decided to build a sort of wood structure that can resist to a heavy weight.It also produces a nice effect with the sun of the env.[8D]

Post August 3rd, 2007, 3:05 pm

Posts: 1460
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Bank: 2,385.00 Points
Location: Scottsdale, AZ, USA
About the second pic, IMO there is not enough lateral supporting, but good start.

Post August 3rd, 2007, 3:37 pm

Posts: 2864
Points on hand: 4,152.00 Points
Location: Monroeville, PA, USA

Yeah the supports should start toward the tops of those wooden beams.

Post August 3rd, 2007, 3:39 pm

Posts: 844
Points on hand: 9,043.00 Points
Location: Milan, Italy

I'm doing exactly this one[lol]
Give me time and I show you the result!

Post August 3rd, 2007, 5:09 pm

Posts: 844
Points on hand: 9,043.00 Points
Location: Milan, Italy

Here's one side finished!
Stop for eyes hurt 'cause they're hand made!!!!

Post August 3rd, 2007, 5:31 pm

Posts: 2748
Points on hand: 4,830.00 Points
Location: Medinah, Il, USA

Post August 3rd, 2007, 5:45 pm

Posts: 844
Points on hand: 9,043.00 Points
Location: Milan, Italy

Uhm I'm not sure...I built it looking at HADES pics...
Did you ride it?In this element trains reach a high speed causing a strong weight on track.
My element is a 90?????????cutback...the speed on the top is minor than at the bottom.

Post August 3rd, 2007, 5:50 pm

Posts: 2748
Points on hand: 4,830.00 Points
Location: Medinah, Il, USA

Yes I have ridden it and will again next week. Hmm, I have seem to forgotten that. Well good work so far.

Post August 3rd, 2007, 5:52 pm

Posts: 1674
Points on hand: 196.00 Points
Location: Zelezniki, Slovenia

First of all, I have to say that this looks extremly like fun! Second, I think the bracing is fine, maybe some more connections between the main structure and the bracing, but otherwise fine.

Post August 3rd, 2007, 6:04 pm

Posts: 844
Points on hand: 9,043.00 Points
Location: Milan, Italy

Originally posted by RRollergod

Yes I have ridden it and will again next week. Hmm, I have seem to forgotten that. Well good work so far.

Oh well if you think about wood you're completely right!

Vid_w I have to add all the lateral connections but I'm too tired today....a shower,computer off and out with friends...

See You next week![:D]

Post August 8th, 2007, 10:45 am

Posts: 844
Points on hand: 9,043.00 Points
Location: Milan, Italy

Post August 10th, 2007, 3:45 am

Posts: 5286
Points on hand: 3,059.00 Points
Location: USA
Wood color is too dark. Looks alot like stained oak.

Post September 19th, 2007, 3:45 am

Posts: 844
Points on hand: 9,043.00 Points
Location: Milan, Italy

Trackwork is complete with all reinforced supports:first tests OK!
I'm working on the scenery now:



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