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Severd Feet/Legs...

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Post June 22nd, 2007, 6:45 pm

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i seen it on the new and the only thing i said is poor girl, to get her legs cut off.,2933,286037,00.html

Post June 22nd, 2007, 9:18 pm

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Her feet were recovered by Six Flags staff and were sent to the hospital with her, McLean said.

I don't know what I would've done if I had to pick someone's severed feet off the ground.[:(]

Post June 22nd, 2007, 9:56 pm

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Originally posted by WeeWeeSlap

we can ask SixFLagsFiesta to elaborate on the checks of those cables...

Haha [lol]

Actually, you can see the cable in that space shot picture if you look between the two yellow tubes toward the bottom of the tower. It's the gray line.

Post June 22nd, 2007, 11:04 pm
jayman Premium Member
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ah.. yeah. ssf..
what do you think? how, exactly, does it work? and what sort of situation would've caused this to happen?..
as a mechanic i'm aware of the words of wisdom "shiz happens" . sadly afore mention poop happened to a little girl who lost her feet.
industrial accidents happen every day, and this, at least to some degree, is an industrial accident. farmers lose digit's in combines,car accidents paralyze people,just yesterday a motorcyclist got killed on the freeway that i drive on to go to work, and sometimes little girls on amusement park rides get their feet chopped off. every one of these people were pushing their human risk level a little further than it would go if it were not for the machinery they were involving themselves with.
the rarest of the three, in fact the only one of it's kind. is the "little girl gets feet chopped off" accident. that;s like a one in a million thing. it sucks. she's crippled for life because a peice of mechinery (albeit human built) malfunctioned.
but adding to the damage is the whole concept of BLAMING someone. it starts to suck more here. the ride op, the supevisor, etc. etc. are all in hot water right now, and probabaly as freaked as anyone else.
in my opinion that thing had to malfunction to do what it did to that girl. there's no such thing as "perfect" though, and i just hope that they don't pin it on a person , or people unless they really are to blame..

Post June 22nd, 2007, 11:17 pm
Oscar User avatar
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all in all I don't feel the ride op,s mechanics or techs are at fault here. It could simply be that the cord just broke on stress. Stress that couldn't possibly be seen that had occured without an inch by inch daily inspection of the cable which of course no one will do since the cable is really built to last and last so it could be the cable's manufacturer's fault at best for perhaps not cooking the metal long enough to standards etc, anyway, jayman, drop the puff! [lol]
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Paradox wrote:
No need to tell Oscar about the problems. He is magic.

Post June 23rd, 2007, 12:24 am

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I just heard on my Local news that Giant Drop at SFGAm is closed pending the outcome of the investigation into this incident. Does anyone know if it's just SF parks or are other parks doing the same?

Post June 23rd, 2007, 12:29 am
jayman Premium Member
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Post August 3rd, 2007, 5:23 am

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This is from the "Quick Poll" that's located on the same page as the article on the CNN website:

Do you fear for your safety on amusement-park rides?
Yes 63% 64927
No 37% 38678
Total Votes: 103605

Post August 10th, 2007, 12:33 pm

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Looks like intamin has been pretty unlucky lately. First The accident on Volcano the blast coaster where shards of metal and hot ash injured some people on the launch section. Then ttd's accident. Then This! This is all sort of creeping me out. They've really got to do something about this stuff. I hear that they only check some coasters once a month. They should check them every minute they possibly can. Not just every once in a while.

Post August 12th, 2007, 2:43 pm

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Location: Sanjose, California, USA
reading all of this makes me not want to go on an Intamin drop tower for a while


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