Originally posted by Coasterkidmwm
I HAVE HEARD that Europeans don't go all apeshiz crazy like American's do in the college years with drinking. Why? A lower drinking age....
Again I have HEARD this not experienced it, there is a big difference.
not the case sorry!
we may not go quite as 'apeshiz crazy' as you guys. but the whole POINT of uni/college is the drinking, what with it being legal and all. so not only is it done at home, in halls and at other 'private' residences, it is done big style on the streets. literally.
which is comletely legal for us students! makes uni worth going to [;)]
but i do agree...18's a round enough age to do everything if not previously isn't it? isn't 21 slightly old fashioned....sorry if that's offended anyone, but it just seems that way to me, coz all I get is 'in myyyyyy day, there was none of this out till 2am, we had to be home at a respectable hour, at least until 21' well, aren't we adults at 18 now, hence able to make 'appropriate' decisions? or is that not the case either in America?
ah well....legalise it! happens anyway [:D]