I am pleases to announce a new B&M Steel Twister that is scheduled to open soon. It's called "High Plains Twister." I have gone through a ton of reworks on this ride and think it is finally worthy of completion.
Supports are soon to start. I want to really study other B&M Twisters in order to get the supports right. I plan on adding my own flanges.
I expect this ride to be complete in about a month or so. Right now I am deciding on whether or not to change the colors, thus the two different colors throughout the track
Most elements are my own, but not all. For those that I did on my own, I looked at a bunch of ways others did their elements and tried to recopy them.
Here's the new layout.
http://d1jlserver.dnsalias.net/CCDev2/p ... fm?mid=457