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Post July 26th, 2009, 2:05 am

Posts: 1613
Points on hand: 62.00 Points

I am in no way a computer techy at all. I know about nothing about computers except for how to use them, how to talk to ppl, and how to build roller coasters through NL and Elementary and all that yummy stuffz. For some reason my newest coaster Stream Line is having some DL issues (or whatever it says). Now, what I have done in past years when I get that message is try to reopen the package manually. In other words, go the the Track Packager, and click File, and then Open Package, and then click the package that you would like to see. If that doesn't work, then I need somebody to help me fix this problem. Again, I don't know much about computers... NEWB ALERT!Insert hehe...

PM me if that doesn't work for you.

So, my friend came up to me the other day and asked if I wanted a frozen banana, and I said no, but I want a normal banana later, so... yea.

- RIP Mitch Hedberg

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