Originally posted by CalawayPark
Macs are better computers, everything is integrated. It's the reason it runs faster- Apple makes what it runs on, and while that may not seem like a big deal, it is one, because it means that the program developers know the platform they're making it for through and through.
Which is why many game and software companies refuse to develop on Macs. I'm right about this. Find me a good computer game that isn't on a PC that is only on Mac. You can't. Also buying virtual PC or whatever and then saying it works IS NOT THE WAY IT SHOULD BE DONE. Just like downloading a bunch of third party programs and hacking into the hidden files to move music on an iPod IS NOT THE WAY IT SHOULD BE DONE. Integration is about as useful as a weasel in a cardboard shirt. Since everything is integrated, when one thing breaks, the whole thing breaks and then you have to shell out a gazliion dollars to get a new shiz computer. This is why you don't buy DVD/TV combinations, you buy a DVD player and a TV separately. That way if your TV breaks you haven't wasted a DVD player.
Originally posted by CalawayPark
I'm on an iMac right now, it's my sister's though, 20 inch Intel Core 2 duo, it's the white one. It's the best and fastest computer I've ever used.
You need to use more good computers and open up your mind to new ideas.
Originally posted by CalawayPark
You need to back off me! I can like and promote Apple if I want to and you have no right to complain about how I feel about another product.
Originally posted by CalawayPark
He's not always right, you just think he's sexy [flush]
Damn right I'm sexy.
Originally posted by CalawayPark
I don't act like a smartass, it's only the stupid coaster world network of websites where I've ever noticed this ridiculous amount of stupid Apple hate.
You're right you don't act like a smartass. You act like a blithering idiot. The word "smart" should never be associated with you, even in the negative sense implied in the word "smartass".
Originally posted by CalawayPark
Half of you have most likely never used a Mac and you have no idea what you're talking about. i know more about Apple than most of you do, but I'm not bragging about it. If I want to promote Apple, I'll promote Apple, if i want to have the iMac as my signature and avatatar, I will!
I've used them, and that's why I know they suck ass. It's pretty common sense actually. Also have you noticed that more of the hardcore computer people tend to hate them like Matt?
Originally posted by CalawayPark
I could tell you to stop exaggerating your 'gayness!' You're overly flambouyant and you're putting it all on as a show, you need to 'back the f*ck off" promoting your sexuality like that, and stereotyping every gay person out there.
You need to grow the hell up. You look like a wuss and your father would be embarrassed with you if he ever saw your general appearance. Cut your hair, stop dying the whole thing everyday to fit your mood, and man up. The only person who could ever pass as straight and dyed his hair as much as you do is goddamned Dennis Rodman, but that right there is extremely debate-able. If I ever looked like you did my father would take me outside, take a split log off of the woodpile, and hit me with it. If you're going to be gay try to APPEAR TO BE A MAN instead of a goddamned little girl who tried to cut her bangs and failed at an awful angle..
Originally posted by CalawayPark
Your fake personality is really annoying, if you like pink, then you like pink, but you're showing it off on purpose and everybody knows.
There, now I've treated you like sh*t, like it?
He just thinks you're dumber now that's all. Your real personality is annoying.
http://biochemistry.ucsf.edu/~tech/Supp ... kmode.html
Explain the above, and then blow me you hypocrite.