I came into this site missing what exactly happened, but what I gathered from other replies I see you have the following ways to handle this issue:
1) If this incident happened at work, you are intitled to workers comp. If no comp claim was filled, then the company is liable to pay your medical bills.
2) If this incident happened at work, during a crime, then the above statment is again true and the company can file a civil suit against the suspect for reimbursement. You too can file a civil suit against the suspect(or county if no suspect found) for other injuries.
3) If this incident happened anywhere else but work, and was a crime, then you can file suit against the suspect (or county if no suspect found)for all medical bills etc etc.
4) If workers comp was filed and reported inside the 24 hour deadline and they claimed it was a job related injury, and you where on the clock doing your job assignment when this happened, then you are intitled for a OTJ claim and you should seek immediate legal aid.
The only way this would be untrue would be if you where the one commiting the crime.
Like I said, I was left out of the cold on the actual incident, If im wrong it was because of lack of knowledge of the incident... PM me for details and I may be able to assist you to find the correct way to handle this problem.