I recently got a chance to ride on thunder dolphin, spin bullet (tokyo joypolis... place ruled, ride sucked lol), fujiyama, eejanaika, dodonpa, and that wild mouse at highland :3
Thunder Dolphin was fun... nothing too special, but it was fun
The 3 main coasters at the Fuji-q highland though are awesome. eejanaika beats the hell out of X (which puts it an even greater ammount over x2 ). I know the layout is pretty much the same, but there is something notably different about it... I guess its the seat rotations, but it is without a doubt more intense than X.
Fujiyama is, i think, the funnest coaster I've ever been on. I was kinda nervous at first, figuring it would be a bit painful... togo being a bit sketchy and all, but it was great. the layout was very well thought-out, far better than most modern hyper/mega coasters imo. Honestly, Im suprised it isnt mentioned more often... great ride
and Dodonpa... holy crap haha. I've never been on a ride with an air powered launch like that.. its intense. By far the craziest 1 second of my life
Anyway, I thought i'd just drop in to say HAI and give a spot of info about my trip
sup yall?