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Whats wrong with Six Flags? Great Escape Report

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Post September 11th, 2007, 8:14 pm

Posts: 826
Points on hand: 2,400.00 Points
Location: Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Originally posted by blackhand1001

They instituted a new policy this year after the Magnum incident which reads as follows.

Adverse Weather Conditions/Rain

Rides will close due to weather conditions, particularly rain, high winds and/or lightning. A specific answer as to which rides close or remain open is not possible because varying degrees of inclement weather cause different effects on different rides. Those rides affected the most are the roller coasters and the high rides. Cedar Point makes every effort to reopen the rides as quickly and safely as possible after the adverse weather conditions cease. Sorry, no rainchecks or refunds.

Generally, the following weather conditions will affect the listed rides and attractions:

* HIGH WINDS - These rides MAY close depending on wind speed and direction: Demon Drop, Gemini, Giant Wheel, Mantis, maXair, Mean Streak, Millennium Force, Power Tower, Raptor, RipCord, Sky Ride, Skyhawk, Snoopy Bounce, Space Spiral, Top Thrill Dragster and Zoom Flume
* ANY PRECIPITATION - These rides WILL CLOSE: 4 x 4's, Challenge Raceway, Demon Drop, Giant Wheel, Raptor, Magnum XL-200, Top Thrill Dragster, Maverick, Wildcat, Millennium Force, Iron Dragon and Woodstock Express.
* STEADY RAIN - All rides listed under ANY PRECIPITATION and the rides listed below will close: Calypso, Corkscrew, Disaster Transport, Gemini, Mantis, Matterhorn, Mean Streak and Snoopy Bounce.
* HEAVY RAIN - All rides listed under ANY PRECIPITATION or STEADY RAIN and the rides listed below will close: Blue Streak, Junior Gemini, maXair, Mine Ride, Monster, Ocean Motion, Power Tower, Sky Ride, Skyhawk, Snake River Falls and Wicked Twister.
All rides will be closed during the severity of the storm and will start to reopen as soon as the storm or lightening passes.

I have also seen Posted on many sites that any rain now they just close everything but maybe the indoor stuff.

PS: Sorry about thinking you were going fan boy on me Real.

Close the RIDES. Not the park...

Post September 12th, 2007, 12:30 am

Posts: 5286
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Location: USA
Yea. You can STILL make more money with rides not open. Heres how:

Most of those workers are NOT full time employed. You CAN send them home. If you have a seniority chain, use that.

Just send home all those you dont need, cut hours out and run on what you can. But unless they the rides are pay as you go, which we know they arent, then its just dumb.

BTW i havent seen that new policy. I also havent been there in awhile while it rains. I bet they dont follow it 100% though. Magnum slipping through the brakes is because of the braking system and blocking. I doubt that would happen to Raptor or even MF. Heck, anything with a magnetic braking system is even BETTER in the rain. No friction anyways.

Post September 14th, 2007, 4:35 pm

Posts: 1936
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Location: orlando

well, after all this, i have e-mailed six flags headquarters in nyc. After looking at the park status on that day, they are giving me 4 free tickets. This is a good solution to this problem, i mean, i still would have rathered have the park open that day, but, at least they did do something about it. I may also send something to the manager of the park also about the day. The only response sf had was, "they supposedly closed the park because there was inclement weather in the forcast for the day." so idk...

Post September 14th, 2007, 4:38 pm
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