Originally posted by R92CPOriginally posted by jayman
being tazed is something incredibly easy to avoid..
it's fun and daring (oooh and unifying too) to say the cops abused their power, but really, they were all.. mellow out and he's like NOOOOOO000ooo..
and so for like 5 more minutes he's freaking out and screaming and even president kerry's all "dude chill out bro i'm trying to answer your question" and hes alll whhhaaaaaaaa and the cops are all, shut up or we'll make you.
he chose "unwisely"
He did nothing but ask a question.......why must police abuse their power? It's getting so common nowdays. He really didn't do anything.
no , he did more than ask a question.. he smugly shouted a question(no need for tazing here)
then he ignored the police when they rolled up on him (still no tazer)
then he started screaming and acting like a spoiled child who's attending college on his parents tab (we're getting closer to tazer time)
then when the police try to hold him he tries to fight himself free (which was when the tazing should have happened, but the police were being patient)
finally they have to hold him on the floor , still screaming like a punk ass, at which tikme he is warmed "cooperate or you will get tazed" and even after that they give him time to change his mind
there was alot between his "asking a question " and the tazer..
police do abuse their power quite often, and in a red state like florida i'm sure it happens even more..i've been present when it happens, plus i do not really like police much because they are the type of assholes who take such a job, but in this case it's pretty apparent they did not.