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Halo 3

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Post September 25th, 2007, 8:28 am

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Post September 25th, 2007, 8:50 am
Coasterkidmwm User avatar
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I'm wondering if they came up with an original plot or just decided to rip off of Half Life some more.
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Post September 25th, 2007, 9:06 am

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My brother did, he played it all night until he had to go to school at 7:30 this morning, and I'll garauntee he'll play it until tomarrow morning. I am not a huge Halo fan, but I was playing it with him, and I was enjoying myself. I found it somewhat more fun playing it this time around than the last two. Not a bad game at all.

Post September 25th, 2007, 1:55 pm

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Originally posted by Coasterkidmwm

I'm wondering if they came up with an original plot or just decided to rip off of Half Life some more.

Half life is about an underground, government experiment that goes wrong and opens up portals that allow an alien race to infiltrate Earth. Then theres a huge coverup by the goverment and then youve got HL2 which is further into the future. HL's main character is a REAL human in some bio suit. No one special.

Halo is about Master Chief, whos an actual military experiment (Bourne?) set in the years around 2552. I dont find any real plot rips offs between the two other than the standard sci-fi-ness of aliens about to eradicate earth and someone has to stop them. Which, HL didnt invent.

I didnt camp, but I was bored at 11pm EST and drove to the local EB Games with him with my camera to pick up his Legendary Edition with all the other crazies. Then went to his house and played for 2 hours.

Some funny things though...when the first guy came out with the legendary edition the crowd started cheering "Helmet! Helmet!" till he took it out and held it up. Rather amusing.

I also agree Brok. I love the gameplay on this one versus the other two. Its way faster. I always felt like even though I was running in Halo2 that I was actually just jogging across the beach on sand. Plus theres a ton of new stuff that really makes the game far more interesting. Only got through a couple chapters. Im sure well finish it up later this week.

Post September 25th, 2007, 2:31 pm

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^That was one of my main perks as well. The slow gameplay was tolerable but not desirible at all to say the least. This time around is is much more quicker and it has much more to explore and have fun with. Like I said, I am not a huge fan, and i don't know every little detail about the game, but I did enjoy it alot!

Post September 25th, 2007, 3:05 pm

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from what i've herd its a pretty good game compared to the last, i did here they took the glitches out... BXR, BXB, DOUBLE SHOT...etc...anyways half of the male population at my school today was gone due to halo 3, so it must be worth something...i myself never caught on. video games in general tend to bore me...however i do think some computer games are mildly entertaining.

Post September 25th, 2007, 3:53 pm

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If I had an xbox 360 and the money for halo 3 I wouldve camped out to get it. halo rocks!!!

Post September 25th, 2007, 4:07 pm

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If I get a 360 I'll probably pick up a copy, but that's only IF I get one. I know a lot of people who are buying 360's JUST for halo3, which, to me, is really stupid (to say the least).

One thing I didn't like about the game when I played the beta at a friend's house is that there's no change in shot accuracy depending on what stance you're in. For instance, it makes sense to me that if you're crouching, you should have a better shot than if you're running. This has allowed for people to become good solely on their reflexes. You know that guy who's really good at Halo and spends a lot of time playing it, we all do. I really don't believe he's good because he can shoot well, I think he's good because his reflexes are good. The reason I'm saying all of this is because there are games which require you to use skills other than reflexes to be good, and quite frankly it's annoying when people get pressed about how they're good at Halo.

Post September 25th, 2007, 4:39 pm
Jer User avatar

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I'm sorry i only buy good games.

Halo has one of these worst story lines of any game i've played...and don't get me wrong the online multiplayer was phenominal (thats why i'm buying a copy with my 360) but halo 2 had a horrible ending and i hear this one does too. Unless you like playing a 6hour game. [/rant]
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Post September 25th, 2007, 4:41 pm

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Halo 3 isn't a good game? There's a difference between liking a game, and calling it bad. Excuse me while I roll my eyes repeatedly.

Post September 25th, 2007, 4:52 pm
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It is a bad game...when the game lasts only like what 3 hours? 6hours? yeah it's bad...about 98% of FPS games have meaningful storys and long game plays...the same cannot be said for the halo series ( Half Life 2 episode 1, and Farcry series.)
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Post September 25th, 2007, 5:16 pm

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you can beat the game in 3 hours on hard? wow, youre good... and, youve got live and multiplayer for a ton longer hours of fun, and i hear theres a board editor and things on 3, so im sure it will please many more gamers that feel the same way you do..

Post September 25th, 2007, 5:28 pm

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I only play single player games now because the online community on Live/PC is shiz. And even still, I'm only going to cough up $60 for a game when it's going to be groundbreaking or jaw-dropping expirience. So Halo 3 is a no for me.

Post September 25th, 2007, 5:52 pm
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^^ I can't but the play time is based on how it's played no normal at a normal pace.
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Post September 25th, 2007, 6:18 pm

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Post September 25th, 2007, 8:59 pm

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All I'm going to say is this.

The only reason why half the people think the halo storyline is great is because the races are stolen from Starcraft. The only reason the other half dislikes the Halo storyline is because if they thought it was good, it would ruin Starcraft's story. :D

Seriously though think about it, Space Marines in the Future = Terran. Flood being an unstoppable enemy = Zerg. (forgot the name) high tech and spiritual aliens = Protoss. Those things even look like Zealots. And mastercheif probably was part of the same experiment that Kerrigan was in.

Post September 25th, 2007, 9:04 pm

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Overrated: 3!

Go play Metroid Prime 3: Corruption if you want a game thats... you know... actually GOOD...

Post September 25th, 2007, 9:24 pm
Coasterkidmwm User avatar
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What I meant about stealing things from Half Life is how the Flood in the first game is the EXACT SAME THING as the zombies in half life. They have "lower torso" instead of headcrabs in Halo.
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Post September 25th, 2007, 9:30 pm

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Originally posted by CalawayPark

Overrated: 3!

Go play Metroid Prime 3: Corruption if you want a game thats... you know... actually GOOD...

Love nintendo, love there products, love my wii, but I have never been a metroid fan at all. I am just not a fan of sci fi shooters. I do think Halo is btter than Metroid though. Even though metroid started it all.

Post September 25th, 2007, 9:45 pm

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jer, do not diss halo. halo is an awesome game. trust me, i think 6 hours is enough to beat a video game you idiot. unless that's to short for a little dweeb like you.
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Post September 25th, 2007, 9:49 pm

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i played it at my friends house for a few solid hours, i really like it but i do think it is rediculously overrated, dont get me wrong, i love playing it, i think its a great game, but im not convinced it quite deserves the title of the most successful game in history.

and as for beating the game in 3 to 6 hours, bull. (literally) the #1 xbox live halo 2 player in the world didnt even beat it until i think around 3 or 330 this afternoon, so try something more like 15+ hours.

Post September 25th, 2007, 9:53 pm

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I was at my mall waiting outside from 9pm to midnight. They expected about 100,000 people to show up, but it didn't seem like there was even close to that many. It was pretty fun. I was talking to this guy who looked to be in his 50's about games the whole time. I'd definately do it again, but only on a major game lol

Post September 26th, 2007, 3:47 am

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Originally posted by Jer
but halo 2 had a horrible ending and i hear this one does too. Unless you like playing a 6hour game. [/rant]

Ive read like 4 reviews...all said the ending was awesome and even makes Halo 2's ending make sense.

ALL of those reviews also said that the minimum hours is 8 but thats on the 2nd easiest setting.

Come on...those of you who think that Bungie "stole" these ideas from games like HL or Starcraft are severly undereducated. Bungie goes all the way back to 1994. Starcraft wasnt even released till 4 years later. Look up Marathon and youll see a game set in 2794 as some futuristic marine fighting an alien race. I PLAYED Marathon on my very old Apple PowerPC.

Infact, just to prove it, there are tons of references that point towards Master Chief being the main character in Marathon. But theres no denying that Bungie has been in this Sci-Fi genre llooonnggg before Half Life or Starcraft were even twinkles in the eyes of their creators.

BTW its definatly NOT stupid to buy a console for one game. Im sure that for most console gamers there is one game, if thats all you could have, you would buy the console for that game. Sony had it with two games really - GTA and FF. Xbox has Halo. Gamecure has SSB. Every system has that "system selling" game that drives the systems sales.

Another edit - Marathon predates even Metroid by TWO years.

Post September 26th, 2007, 8:26 am

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I showed up at Wal-Mart at 11:50, with only a 20 person line. Got my copy and was out of the store by 12:05.

I didn't play much campaign, as that's not really my style, but I played a ton of multiplayer and it was friggin awesome! The graphics look really nice, the gameplay is alot better, and the new weapons and vehicles are kick ass!

If you want a fun game, go to sandtrap, give everyone hammers, and make gravity 50% and player speed's so much fun.

Post September 26th, 2007, 11:34 am
gouldy User avatar
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I love Halo, the first one was awesome and I spent 6 months of my life (sad I know) beating that game over and over on legendary with a mate. Co-operative play is so good :-)

The second one was not as good if you ask me, the levels just didn't, I dunno, make me want to play over and over again.

I'm going up town on the weekend on the off chance I can get a copy, probably won't though. I have a life though see, so I can't be doing any of this camping outside shops at midnight [lol]


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