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Post August 23rd, 2009, 8:00 am

Posts: 5
Points on hand: 1,049.00 Points
Is there an way to have an FLying camera in NL?

Or do i need Fraps or something else?
Last edited by Tetsu on August 30th, 2009, 11:17 am, edited 1 time in total.

Post August 23rd, 2009, 7:25 pm

Posts: 409
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Location: USA
Yes. I won't tell you because this is the wrong place to be asking questions about NL [;)]

Post August 23rd, 2009, 7:52 pm

Posts: 156
Points on hand: 761.00 Points
Oh, yeah, I forgot to tell you that in my other post. This isn't for you you to advertise your questions, you're supposed to advertise your coasters. :)

Oh, and how the hell would Fraps help you get a flying camera in NoLimits? Just so that this ends here, you press the (Q) and (E) keys on you keyboard to select different view modes.

Are you intentionally acting like an idiot?

Oh, I just realized he's got his five posts. Good riddance.

Post August 23rd, 2009, 7:54 pm

Posts: 175
Points on hand: 117.00 Points
Its it possible, just select 'E' on your keyboard when you open the simulator. The first time you press it, you go into free-look mode. Use 'W,A,S,E' and your mouse to navigate. Press 'E' once again, this view simply follows the train from the position that your are in. Press 'E' for the third time, and the sim follows the train, while updating its position for the best view. As far as recording goes, i use Fraps. NoLimits has a built in recorder with the 1.7 update, just press zero on your number pad to use it. But this exports to uncompressed .avi format, and the files can very easily get large. If you choose to use the recorder that comes with NoLimits, Use video compresson software to reduce the size of your files. But make sure you have the proper codecs installed on your computer first, if you compress the file into a format that your computer does not support, you will only see audio and no video. My favorite format to use is .flv, while not much software supports its playback, i find that it can keep video files extremly small while retaining good audio/video, not loosing the aspect ratio, and keeps the tagging properties straight. Use what you like, just make sure your computer supports it!
The Best Ball Of Optimism and Neglect You Will Find For Miles!

Post August 30th, 2009, 10:48 am

Posts: 5
Points on hand: 980.00 Points

Post August 30th, 2009, 11:18 am
Tetsu Premium Member
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2 Things.

1. Topic moved to correct forum.
2. zzzzackk, want Mike or Oscar to get the ban-hammer?

Post September 1st, 2009, 4:02 pm

Posts: 11
Points on hand: 1,017.00 Points
If you want to film, press 0 when on the coaster. But for the flying view press E

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