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X to become X2 at SFMM!

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Post November 2nd, 2007, 12:03 am

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X, the world's first 4th dimension thrill ride, is once again pushing all limits and taking extreme to the next level in 2008. This $10 million investment features completely redesigned, sleeker trains and introduces all-new, innovative state-of-the-art visual, audio and sensory effects. X will move from the 4th dimension to the 5th and become X2!

With its 360????????? rotating seats and head-first, face down drops, X has been one of the most popular thrill rides on the planet. With the redesign, X2 will take you on a journey to a unique and unchartered dimension of extreme only Six Flags Magic Mountain can deliver.

Unlike traditional coasters where trains only parallel the track, X2 sends riders screaming around its 3,600-foot maze of steel track aboard massive wing-shaped trains where the seats extend off of the track to the sides of the vehicle, allowing them to independently rotate you head over heels, forward and backward creating a one-of-a-kind "don't know what to expect next" sensation. X2 launches the extreme thrills of X into a new dimension with the addition of a unique new tunnel and light experience that changes with every ride.

In order for the transformation to take place, X will close in late 2007, and X2 will launch in spring 2008.

X at Six Flags Majic Mountain is becoming X2 for next spring. The "World's First 5th Dimension Coaster" will have new audio and lighting effects, as well as new redesigned trains and a new paint scheme. Reports say that it sould be open Spring 08'. Sweet...[:D]

Last edited by Canadmos on November 8th, 2007, 10:50 am, edited 1 time in total.
Why is the word abbrieviated so dang long?

Post November 2nd, 2007, 12:05 am
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Post November 2nd, 2007, 12:23 am

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Post November 2nd, 2007, 12:32 am
Coasterkidmwm User avatar
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Looks like they've decided to copy Eejeanika's sexy ass paintjob from pictures.
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Post November 2nd, 2007, 12:50 am
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Post November 2nd, 2007, 1:21 am

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does this mean that it might be alittle smoother. Cause I'm planning to go there sometime in 08. This might make the trip worth it. Thsi looks sweet! Here's the site

The tunnel sounds awsome.

Post November 2nd, 2007, 5:19 am

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Post November 2nd, 2007, 8:06 am

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Originally posted by flaming-what

does this mean that it might be alittle smoother.

Are they going to work on track too???
I love its roughness!

This restyle sounds simply great!the interaction with the music will add intensity.
I just hope they won't choose red colour for rail 'cause Viper is close to it!
I loved the original paint too[:(]

Post November 2nd, 2007, 9:10 am

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That is some pretty exciting news.
1-Millennium Force | 2-Intimidator 305 | 3-Fury 325
4-Skyrush | 5-Iron Rattler | 6-X2 | 7-Kingda Ka
8-Voyage | 9-Maverick | 10-Monster


Post November 2nd, 2007, 2:31 pm

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Wow, a ten million dollar upgrade? They must really love it.

Post November 2nd, 2007, 2:52 pm

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so.. february its open right? (better be[devilish])

Post November 2nd, 2007, 4:04 pm

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i'd much rather see them build a CGI Gravity Group woodie for 10 mil.

The ride may be smooth for a year but it'll probibally be like it is now within a few years.(rough, unreliable)

Post November 2nd, 2007, 4:34 pm

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lol of couse six flags great adventure gets a shizty mack wild mouse while sfmm gets the worlds first 5th dimention rollercoaster

Post November 2nd, 2007, 4:46 pm

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Originally posted by Austin

so.. february its open right?

If by February you mean

X2 will launch in spring 2008.

then absolutely!
1-Millennium Force | 2-Intimidator 305 | 3-Fury 325
4-Skyrush | 5-Iron Rattler | 6-X2 | 7-Kingda Ka
8-Voyage | 9-Maverick | 10-Monster


Post November 2nd, 2007, 4:48 pm
jayman Premium Member
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i hate to say it but it was rough the last time i rode it , bushings were worn and the car was flopping around,going CLUNK CLUNK CLUNK not fun rough , like collossus or a good old wood rough, , but like "ow, my legs keep slamming into the fibrglass body of the ride".. and they were already cannnibalizing one of the trains for parts, the whole lift hill supports were coated with a disgusting coat of grease, and it just seemed run down.. i'm glad they are fixing it up, it really impressed me the first season it was open, and still did, but pain takes away some of the fun..

Post November 2nd, 2007, 5:28 pm

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Originally posted by GerstlCrazy

Originally posted by Austin

so.. february its open right?

If by February you mean

X2 will launch in spring 2008.

then absolutely!

niccceee, im going :)

Post November 2nd, 2007, 7:06 pm

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Originally posted by pacoasterrider

i'd much rather see them build a CGI Gravity Group woodie for 10 mil.

The ride may be smooth for a year but it'll probibally be like it is now within a few years.(rough, unreliable)

Track didnt get rough - trains did.

If these trains are as good as what Ive heard of the new ones in Japan itll last alot longer.

Post November 2nd, 2007, 7:16 pm
jayman Premium Member
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precicesly. the cars were starting to slop around.. the ride itself is rock solid

Post November 7th, 2007, 3:38 am

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if only if i lived in the USA

Bring a 4D coaster to the UK!

why do the Usa get the best coasters?

Post November 8th, 2007, 11:38 am

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So they made it (the first?) 4th dimension coaster, and now they're skipping to 5th?!

wait what? the 5th dimension is *parallel time lines* to put it simply

heck, i'd love to ride this coaster, i might teleport to the really rich *parallel* casper

Post November 8th, 2007, 12:42 pm

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i hav decided wer gonna get a hooooooooooooooooooog lorry and steal shiekra, it rocks!
one night it will be there and the next there will be nothing but a note which reads:
we have your coaster HAHAHA! and you will never get it back unless you make us an exact replica in thorpe park cus it deserves it.
yours sincerely, a deranged coaster enthusiast.
then ther would be the wheel thing that runs on the track taped to the note.
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Post November 8th, 2007, 1:56 pm

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Post November 8th, 2007, 2:02 pm

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Originally posted by Thelimitsfreak

if only if i lived in the USA

Bring a 4D coaster to the UK!

why do the Usa get the best coasters?

i have been on X me, it is the scariest coaster ive ever ridden...i really can't wait till X2 opens, ill be there at SFMM next year too...and USA gets better Coasters because.....idk, just because. but i know European Countries have some sick rides too.
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Post November 8th, 2007, 4:12 pm
gouldy User avatar
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Originally posted by Adrenaguy


My god I hate chavs

Post November 8th, 2007, 4:20 pm
Oscar User avatar
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the second drop on X totally rocks, feels as if you're going to get your face grinded down [lol]
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No need to tell Oscar about the problems. He is magic.


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