If you have followed Theme Park Review over the past few years you'll
know that each year we take a trip to Orlando to check out many of the
Halloween and other seasonal events.

This year we visited Halloween Horror Nights, Mickey's Not-So-Scary
Halloween Party, Epcot's Food & Wine Festival, checked out Cypress
Gardens' Starliner, Busch Gardens' Floorless SheiKra, and LOTS more!
We produced TWO videos. The first is an interview with Universal Creative Director Michael Roddy where first he walks us through the "Nightmare on Elm Street" maze and then chats to us about scares, shaker cans, and more! You can download this video here (those of you into Haunt stuff should really like this video!):
And for you coaster POV fans, we were able to produce a new "Roller Coasters in the RAW" video of Cypress Gardens new Starliner. Download that video here:
Now onto some photos!

Halloween Horror Nights 17 at Universal Orlando. While it wasn't quite as good as previous years, I still think Universal does Halloween better than ANY other theme park company!

The TPR gang got to hang out with Universal Creative Director Michael Roddy as he toured us through some mazes and chatted to us about scary stuff!

Nightmare on Elm Street - Dreamwalkers. If you're fans of the movie, you'll find a lot of familiar scenes in here.

Jack's scare zone reminded me of something out of an Oingo Boingo concert.

To find the TPR group, look for the grown men with a fairy pink wand!

Bill & Ted show is probably the most rockin' awesome Halloween party show there is. Although it you're not into music shows, it may not be for you.

The full sized Ferris Wheel at the end of the park was a nice touch.

Psychoscarepy was my favorite maze. Lots of hot chicks. Santa with chainsaws, and overall some REALLY kick ass sets!

After visiting DisneySea just a few weeks ago, you forget how awesome IOA looks. While it's not as nice as DisneySea, I still think it's the best looking park in the US.

Hulk was running exceptionally well. Last time we were at IOA it kind of rattled and felt like it needed a rehab. This time is REALLY kicked ass!

It was time to get the One Fish, Two Fish virgins wet! We need Dan here! =)

I miss you Tatsu....

Can someone say "New Entrance to Harry Potter Land" maybe?

I don't care what they do to this area as long as I can still get BEER!!!

On our way to Sea World we made a stop at Waffle House.

I get my hash browns Smothered, Covered, Chunked, Peppered, and Topped!

New credit for all of us....

...with an AMAZING view! =)

GRRR!! I'm Kraken. I'm not a sock puppet. I'm a real EVIL monster!!!

Kraken was pretty awesome!

Why must we always molest inanimate objects?

This is a REALLY bad idea!

I can't tell if that's a look of terror or a look of "special olympics" on Jow's face!


This is what Gary says to Wes in the bedroom!

HA HA! Figment performed an illegal operation and will be shut down!

You can never have enough Beverly.

"I think I just drank my own piss"

Mixing it with the veggie drink makes it WORSE!!!

The two stages of Beverly include the initial "shock."

And then the after taste! You'll be burping up this look for the next 20 minutes!

Our day at Epcot was all about the Food and Wine (beer) festival!

Everyone loves getting head....cabbage.

Big beers for us big Americans!

Hey everyone! Cute photo! (Of Kidtums, NOT Robb!)

Next up was Mickey's Not-So-Scary Halloween Party!

Magic Kingdom was decked out with lots of Halloween stuff.

Hey look! Magic Kingdom's castle is doing it's Disneyland impression! =)

The shirt says it all! =)

The TPR group does a Haunted Mansion take over!!!

I've always wanted to know what she's got on underneath that dress...

I see the free candy, but where's the beer?"

Space Mountain - 10 minute wait...which was really a walk-on...I love this event!!!

Once again!

Another TPR take over!!! How many people can you get in one Splash Mountain boat?

Headless Horseman kicks ass!

Boo To You parade with the Haunted Mansion grave digger drill team!

The candy "Stash" from our evening! =)

We made a run over to Busch Gardens Tamps for some floorless SheiKra

It's pretty much the same, which is cool because this coaster is awesome!

Kumba is still my favorite of all B&M's!

OMG!!! Construction update!!!

We headed over to Cypress Gardens to check out Starliner.

This was a pretty "average" coaster at Miracle Strip and it's pretty much and "average" coaster here too. Fun, sure, but I doubt this will "save the park" from all the trouble it's had. In fact, the park was just purchased by some "real estate processors....so I wonder what that will mean for the future of the place."

Fun ride...just don't go in expecting anything amazing.

"Ok, keep going back....take another step back...one more step...keep going... OK!!! EVIL SIGN!! EAT THEM!! EAT THEM NOW!!!!!"

TPR Take over on the Triple Hurricane!

Reverchon mouse disguised as a Zamperla!

The "TPR House" has become a tradition for our Florida trip.

Robb is on the grill!

And everyone else is getting quite drunk!

It's true! It's totally 100% true!

Animal Kingdom! We'll be out of here in 20 minutes!

Whee! The only fun part of the only half-way decent ride in the park!

A whole lot of nothing.

We all just want to say hello to the Imagineer that that thought it will be cool to have a whole land worth of "Scream" Themeing!

You just never get tired of "Good Tower."

I got a box of tissues with your name written ALL over them! =)

So that's it for this "short version" of our Halloween in Orlando trip report. If you'd like to see the full version, click here:
And be sure to download the two videos. I think those of you who are really into "Haunt Stuff" will really find the interview with Universal's Creative director very interesting.
The links to the videos are here:
Halloween Horror Nights:
Starliner POV:
(Our new Roller Coasters in the RAW DVD will be out on November 15th)
Thanks for reading!
--Robb Alvey