I give it a thumbs up for the amazing graphics/animations. I can't make it to the theatre to see it but I deffinately will check it out my local BlockBuster when it comes out.
The movie version of the story is much better, more streamlined, and a little rowdier than the poem. They've changed some characters (Angelina Jolie is a long way from being an ugly sea hag!) and put in some nice twists in the characters' back stories.
There are some moments where the movie is a little campy (on purpose) like Grendel's mother having high heeled FEET, or the numerous objects that conveniently sit just at the right place to keep you from seeing IMAX-sized 3D weenie when Beowulf fights Grendel in the nude. The line "many men have come from far away lands to taste my master's meat" stand out as evidence that the director knows good and well what we're going to think when we hear it.
The animation is both superb and not. King Hrothgar is gloriously old, ugly, and fat and every last wrinkle is stunning realistic. His queen, however, who should be pretty enough to seduce Beowulf, looks like someone from Shrek.
I must say, though, that the dragon battle at the end is just about the coolest thing I've seen on a movie screen in a long time. It totally blows away the dragon scene in Harry Potter, and that one was pretty good.
And if at all possible, you should try to see this in IMAX 3D. Two words: FREAKIN SWEET.
i gotta agree.. i just now got back..
we went to see it as our traditional group movie for thanksgiving..
i was actually pleasantly suprised by it, as it wasn't the complete "hesh fest' i was afraid it would be.sometimes, however , the characters were a little "shreckesque'', but in all it was very enjoyable..and the 3d element was nice..
this movie was NOT a peice of art, though. it was pure entertainment, and very good entertainment at that.. the derivation from the story line probabally apealled much more to the general public than the literary signifigance of the poem, and one must realize that $$$$ means more to a motion picture company. if you are expecting a well written film that is a good representation of classic literature you wont find that here.instead it was an AWESOME chunk of entertainment that i'd recommend highly !!!!
the whole thing overall was kick ass! nothing more , nothing less....
The movie has simply outstanding graphic animation. I thought the movie was a real life shooting, but when I sat down to watch, I learned it was not.
Nonetheless, it has an utterly disgusting attempt at grabbing my attention. I watched 15 minutes, or however long it took for this "Grendell" being to arrive, and left to go see Bee Movie.