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thorpe park fright nights review

Visited a theme park and have a wild time?!? Post your trip report here and tell us all about it!

Post October 28th, 2007, 3:54 pm

Posts: 4357
Points on hand: 5,766.00 Points
Location: Cannock, West Midlands, United Kingdom

well a few hicups in the day but all turned out great

i arrived at 9:15am and waited at the gate, noone turnrd up so i got into the que for my ticket then waited by the gate till 11am, no one turned up so it was just me myself and i, however i had broken my phone earlyer that morning and found linny waiting for gouldy to go on stealth about 3 hours later.

so the start of my day was straight to slammer, this was the first time i had ever been on it because it had been closed every other time ive been. awsome ride and very thrilling, great sensation of speed, freefall and height.

next stealth where i got a massive treat. MY FIRST EVER ROLL BACK. yep i got on my first ever roll back ever, one of the best things ever to happen what a brill feeling. after it was the same burst of speed and lots of airtime as stealth always has been. can not get enough of it it is awsome.

after that i decided to get lots and lots of video so i walked around that area getting a bit of video befor hitting nemesis inferno. never fails to dissapoint with its high g forses and interlocking inversions and helixs. typical B&M, very intence and extreamly smooth.

so i got lots more video then hit collossus, again great ride although in some parts starting to show some roughness however the washing machine(series of heartline rolls at the end) makes up for it. again lots more video

then after getting a bite to eat i went beck to stealth where i meet with linny, gouldy, mum and bro. so we all headed to X:no way out. even for it beeing not to intence its still a good ride IMO and alot of fun, its just a shame they have added some lights so its possiable to see where your going. i liked being in the absaloute dark so it was a little scaryier.

now for the most stupid ride of the day, tidal wave. why oh why did we go on it, we got very wet and it was very cold. so after we hit loggers leap and the rappids. we then split up again as they wanted to go on a flat ride then leave so i waited to see the carnival of the bizzar. wicked show with fire breathing, dancing skellingtons, a guy streaching his skin, a contorsionist that could stick a whole spoon up his nose, and of corse captin dan the demon dwarf opening bottles of beer with his eye socket.

so alot of excitement befor stealth again this time in the blackness of the night. massivly better than in the day and felt alot faster too, it even looked it from standing watching. by this time it was getting very very cold. i started talking to a lady in the single riders que and we both wernt on all 3 haunted mazes, seven, the asylem and hellgate. so scary with guys jumping out at you and challanges to open doors to asylem cells expecting there to be somthing when there wasent.

by the time we had gone through all the mazes it was 11:15 so time to go home so we left.

all in all it was a great day and im in the middle of uploading alot of footage to my computer to make an awsome video, look for it in the future very soon[:D]
Making screams come true

Post October 28th, 2007, 4:12 pm
jayman Premium Member
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dude.. i want a demon dwarf that opens beer bottles with his eyes..

Post October 28th, 2007, 4:42 pm

Posts: 480
Points on hand: 2,506.00 Points
Location: United Kingdom

Wow. Sounds like you had a wicked time. Soooo jelous that you got a rollback! I remember getting jelous because my sister got one but now even you have! Oh well, as i said glad you had a good time.

Post November 22nd, 2007, 7:49 am

Posts: 1
Points on hand: 1,787.00 Points

Post November 22nd, 2007, 10:53 am

Posts: 1612
Points on hand: 2,603.00 Points
Location: Devon, UK
I went on the Friday of the Thorpe Blast.
First time i have also ridden Slammer and Rush becuase they normally are closed.
But Stealth was shut =[. It was quiet and ive been on it many times before but still dissapointed.
Everything in the park was running as smooth as silk, 5 minutes top queue too.
GOod to see you had a good time.

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