26 June 2009: BonBon Land

Yeah! There it is! BonBon Land!

The weird stuff starts already outside the park!

Entrance! Yay for fake rollercoaster track!

Some random kiddyland next door. Haven't been in there.

Yay! Weird rides!

Time for the first coaster: The Dog Fart Rollercoaster!

Is that a smile? xD

The Dog house...

Onride! What a thrill!

Time for the next coaster: Vild-svinet. The worlds first Eurofighter!


Queuing even longer... xD

Onrides! Here we go!

Beyond Vertical Drop!

Cool 90????????? Turn


Drop off the MCBR again...

And that was the ride already...

Uhh... Whut?!

Time for a different coaster. A custom Zierer coaster. New in the park for this year.

Big Drop!

Long Train is Loooooong...

I wonder what's behind the bushes...

Yay 2nd lift hill!

Very streched out layout

Awww... Going back to the station again...

Waiting to get out...

That looks like a fun coaster!

But first... ...Tick off my coasterlist!

Addict Mode: Full Power!

Bloody Long queue for such a low Capacity ride. Apparently it was really populair at the little kiddo's...

And now a couple more rides on Vild-Svinet!

Crazy Theming in the queue...

Nice overview at the top of the lift [:)]

Really cool transition into that 90????????? Turn

Time to see the rest of the park, here's a random goat!

Candyshop... Apparantly BonBon is also a really populair candy in Denmark, Populair enough to have a whole themepark about it!

Yay rapids! Too bad you didn't really get wet on it...

Beaver Ice... I wonder how that would taste...

A showering Rat at some sewage themed log flume ride! xD

Thanks for Helping. Danish isn't too hard... Right? xD

Apparantly Danish people are just like the Dutch people. They bring about anything with them to the park so they don't have to buy the food in the park.

Hmmm... Where to go next?

I know! That coaster! Right behind me!

First a couple more rides before taking some offride photo's!

Going down!
Time for a big ass photoshoot from Vild-Svinet! I'll leave the comments to you guys.

Maintanance checking if everything is still safe... lol

And just when I wanted to go to take a couple more rides. The Entrance was closed! WHAT!? The park is opened until 5pm. Apparantly they close the rides already much earlier...

One more final shot of Vild-Svinet then...

And if you want to exit the park. You'd have to go through a huge candyshop!

With all candy from the brand: BonBon!

Candy as far as you can look!

Hey! Look! Mascots! Too bad they were just leaving...

Bye Bye Bonbon Land! I'll probably return sometime again when you have a new big coaster! [:D]
Rollercoaster Counter:
242: Hundeprut: 1 ride (3 laps)
243: Vild-Svinet: 15 rides
244: Viktor Vandorm: 1 ride (2 laps)
245: Hankatten: 1 ride
Other parts from my Trip:
Day 1: Heide Park
Day 2: Hansa Park
Day 3: Bakken
*Current Day*
Day 5: Tivoli Gardens
Day 6: Copenhagen & Tivoli Gardens
Day 7: Sommerland Syd