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How do you know the angle of your drop

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Post December 1st, 2007, 3:46 pm

Posts: 281
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Location: Netherlands
I'm trying to build an Eurofighter but don't know how to make sure the drop is 97*[:I], it would be useful on other coasters too. So how do you know?
Last edited by Sjaggerijn on December 1st, 2007, 3:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
buttersafe is extremely funny

Post December 1st, 2007, 3:56 pm

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Most people that list the angle of their drops are using elementary, but you can get a rough estimate of the drop angle using the grid in the NL editor and some simple trig, if you know how to do that.

Post December 1st, 2007, 9:47 pm

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trig is the answer. If you split up the drop segment so that there is a vertex at the maximum angle of descent, you can then double-click the vertex, revealing the coordinates of the handles, and then use trig to figure out the angle.

Post December 1st, 2007, 10:08 pm

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Post December 1st, 2007, 10:17 pm

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^ Not always, it sometimes does not really work for me anymore (the tilt also does not work) but I no what Im doing

Post December 1st, 2007, 10:40 pm

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put a small protractor up to the screen ;) - easy, no thinking needed :)

Post December 1st, 2007, 11:23 pm

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^ Well then you could be off by a 1/2 of a degree--could be very bad

Post December 2nd, 2007, 12:03 am
A7 User avatar
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Select the steepest angle and save it as an element. Open it up in Purg and check out the slp-O: ? in the 'data' section. Thats what I always do and it seems to be very accurate.

Post December 2nd, 2007, 1:52 am

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Yep AHG or purg are the way to go to calculate slopes as accurately as possible.

Post December 2nd, 2007, 2:09 am

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I just use a side profile image of the drop, open it in TheGimp and use the angle measurer.

Post December 2nd, 2007, 2:44 am
hyyyper User avatar
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make sure you have a node on the max angle

tan-1((horizontal distance between controlpoints)/(vertical distance between control points))

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