OK, second quarter of school is (almost) over for a lot of people and the quarter dollar disappeared for Dirk: That means enough time for No Limits, why not join this contest?
Jack manages a well known and exciting park, but thinks it is not well known and exciting enough. So he is looking for a new coaster. He knows what type, a launched 10 looper, he wants and where he wants it to be. He asked Vekoma and Intamin, as they are the only ones who design this type. But he also asked Premier, because his template 'is screaming for a Premier coaster.' You work for one of those companies and have to design the coaster. Jack wants you to make up what the coaster would be like and to design it.
Uhm, if you didn't get the story... Goal is to create an Intamin or Vekoma launched coaster with 10 inversions and a small footprint.

Click here for the template
-Coaster type must be either Hyper, Corkscrew or LIM launched coaster
-No shuttle coasters
-10 inversions, no more, no less
-Max. Launch speed: 100 km/h
-You can only use one launch
-Max. G's: 4.8/-1.2 vert. - 1.3 lat.
-No lift hill(s)
-Only 1 station allowed
-Max. height: 40m (can you reach that with 100km/h?)
-No length restrictions
-Ride must run min. 2 trains
-Trains can have 5-9 cars
-Ride must pass E-stop
-Ride must pass tunnel test
-Terraforming allowed
-3ds allowed
-Anything over 160* counts as an inversion
-You can build or change anything within the red lines
-Within the blue lines, track can go underground (3ds tunnels), 3ds are allowed
-3ds are allowed within the purple lines
-Outside the lines, nothing except terraforming is allowed
-You can terraform anywhere
-Supports can go anywhere between the lines
-The station has to be somewhere in the red X-box
-You can only higher or lower the lines
Before posting your ride
-Make sure your track follows the rules
-Put LTL in your upload name
Just signed up
Recieved track
-wersigobra (or so?...)
-Kevin Brennan
Rating guidelines:
Technical: Is the track smooth, are the G's in check, are the supports good?
Adrenaline: Is the coaster exciting, try terrain or 3ds interactions and near hits.
Originaltiy: Jack wants a coaster that can only be found at his park, a coaster that attracts visitors.
Appearance: How does the coaster look? Jack wants a coaster that looks good.
Rating calculation
Imagine someone has a 10 for originality, technical and appearance, but a 0 for adrenaline. IMO he shouldn't get a 7.5 ((10+10+10+0)/4 = 7.5) 'cause the adrenaline was really low. So in my rating system the lowest point counts 2 times, what gets the point to a 6 ((10+10+10+0+0)/5 = 6). Some example's:
(7.8+6.9+8.9+5.4+5.4)/5 = 6.9 (or not rounded 6.88)
(1+1.7+2.3+0+0)/5 = 1
(9.4+9.4+9.4+9.4+9.4)/5 = 9.4
YAY check out these prizes:
1st - 75,000 slappin' points
2nd - 30,000 slappin' points
3rd - 15,000 slappin' points
Q: I choose Vekoma, can I pass over the smoothing now?
A: I think you shouldn't...
Q: Max height from grid or ground?
A: From ground
Q:I've got several spots on my layout so far that technically will fail a tunnel test, but the two tracks that come close are angled away from each other. So in real it wouldn't matter, does it still count as tunnel test failure?
A: As long as the riders wouldn't get harmed.
-Note that the car amount has changed to 5-9
-Premier rides added
-Vekoma heartlines too
-You can terraform everywhere now
-Supports can go anywhere between the lines
Thx for reading this all, lol. If my English was bad, feel free to correct me. But first join this contest!