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Post December 17th, 2009, 3:30 am
A7 User avatar
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I've noticed a ton of Newton coasters uploaded seem to have some problems with pace. Newton 1 and Newton 2 do let you know how fast the train is going at the end of each segment, but has anyone paid any attention to that? I am assuming very few people have, as the information is presented in meters per second and most people are lazy. So I would just like to say this.

I think most people that are finishing a Newton coaster, import into NoLimits and do see the lack of pace in particular areas. However they disregard it and just support the damn thing. Newton 1 and 2 designers, as a tip I would like to say export your design 3 or more times through the creation process BEFORE you finish your layout. Set you coaster as a shuttle in the settings and ride that in the NoLimits simulator and see if you have a pacing issue. If there is not you can simply continue designing and check again later. If there is, you can then go back and fix it without the hassle of going back tracking and changing a completed layout (the reason people say f*** it and just upload it the way it is).
Last edited by A7 on December 17th, 2009, 3:35 am, edited 1 time in total.

Post December 17th, 2009, 3:38 am

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Yeah, I export dozens of times to check things when designing a ride. It's pretty necessary for good quality (and not just good pacing).

Post December 17th, 2009, 5:44 am
A7 User avatar
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dcs221: I'm sure you have noticed most people don't do that haven't you? You are right about good quality as well. Riding a coaster in the simulator can show you things that you wouldn't see in Newton.

Post December 17th, 2009, 10:16 am

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Agreed, while working on the B&M for the contest, I export for almost every change I make, even if it's a really small one.
It doesn't even take more than like 30 seconds to export and import into NL...

Post December 17th, 2009, 1:52 pm

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Are you kidding me? I export every time I create a new section and I thought most people were the same!!

Post December 17th, 2009, 2:01 pm

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Post December 17th, 2009, 2:32 pm

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Grammar ;)

But yeah, many people don't and their rides are worse because of it. Oh well, it's their fault and only theirs lol.

Post December 17th, 2009, 3:25 pm

Posts: 510
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While I don't export every section, I do so frequently, for several reasons: Making sure the G-forces are accurate and safe (rapid banking changes can result in high laterals, and negative Gs on airtime hills can can too high with long trains. In addition, inaccurate friction values can make Gs too high or low, especially late in the track), making sure the train doesn't valley (again, inaccurate friction and long trains can cause problems), and tunnel testing.

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