Originally posted by jayman
i call b.s. tj.. Beeee essssS
the FIRST time i heard it i thought"wow what a lame analogy" and then i heard it again on ANOTHER a.m. talk show and i though to myself "wow, it's even lamer this time around" then YOU posted it . and i said.. "hmm.. i like t.j. but it's very possible that he spends more time listening to rush and oriely and hannity and savage (and.. shall i continue ?) instead of just coming up with an original thought and saying something like "that bitch wants this country to be a socialist republic and that goes against everything this country stands for, and besides shes a SHREW!!!!!" c'mon tj.. i am positive you can come up with a good reason not to vote for her that isn't a regurgitation of something from a rhetorically conservative demagogue.. just sayin'.. [devilish]
It was actually heard by me on Rick and Bubba, as I do not listen to Rush else any of the other panty wastes out there with an opinion.
IMO, the only positive thing I have heard Hillary say is that she supports a gradual reduction of the troops and planning is needed before we totally withdraw forces from Iraq. As far as reasons to not support her -- when the rest of my retirement benefits disappear after 20 years of service because of her proposed "economic stabalization" I will have all the evidence I need in hand bubba.
However, using a direct quote from her webpage (since you want a reason now) it says "Hillary has consistently called for comprehensive immigration reform that respects our immigrant heritage and honors the rule of law. She believes comprehensive reform must have as essential ingredients a strengthening of our borders, greater cross-cooperation with our neighbors, strict but fair enforcement of our laws, federal assistance to our state and local governments, strict penalties for those who exploit undocumented workers, and a path to earned legal status for those who are here, working hard, paying taxes, respecting the law, and willing to meet a high bar." (
Talk about FLUFF and RHETORIC!! This is NY State. My home state. Next to Texas, the immigrants are more populus there than any other state and she has not been able to reform anything. Yet, she takes great pleasue in poking fun at Rudy Guiliani not being able to do anything in NY City, and here she is a Senator from the state and has not been able to do a thing. Her promises are about as empty as the beer sitting next to you Jay.
There, you have two reasons in hand -- let the remark go. [:D]