Quiz #2 of the fun iq quiz at coastercrazy.com.
If you are not familiar with this game, the rules are as followed...
Im going to post 5 questions. Once the first question is answered, you go onto the next question. DO NOT SAY AN ANSWER TO A QUESTION IF WE?????????RE NOT ON THAT NUMBER, you will ruin the game for everyone. Only one answer per post, no double posts, you may guess more than twice. The second question is triggered when the first is answered. Here?????????s the fun part: when you get a question correct, you get the point amount next to the question [:)]. Only one person will get the question right, whoever?????????s post is first will get the points [:)]
If you number the letters of the word "certain" in this way :
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Try and decode this word, Please note that the letters missing from the word "certain" are replaced by a question mark.
4 2 3 ? 6 7 5 ?
What is the relationship between Rachel and Julie, if : Rachel is the Mother of the husband of Julie?????????s Mother.
What?????????s the next number? (4000 points)
1, 2, 6, 42, 1806, ??
At the end of a banquet 10 people shake hands with each other. How many handshakes will there be in total??
Which two words are closest in meaning?
Composite, table, synthetic, shabby, different, pseudo, symbolic, owned, pie
This question will appear after ALL former questions have been answered. (please give +/- 5 minutes for the question to appear.) Also, once this question is posted, you only have three (3) minutes to respond with an answer, this question is worth 15,000 points if you do it in the time allotted! GOOD LUCK!
If each symbol corresponds to a given letter, then the word "RATHER" can be written as:
Now, try and decode this sentence containing 3 words?????????
^^^^^^ ACTIVE QUESTION ^^^^^
ANSWER: she hates cereal