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X2 Trains - Backstage Tour Photos & Video

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Post February 3rd, 2008, 4:54 am

Posts: 54
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Hello everyone!

I want to share with you all some photos we took during a backstage tour of Six Flags Magic Mountain's new trains for X2.

The following photos and video were shot today in the transfer shed of X2. So far 2 rows of cars have been delivered. The paint job or the "X change operation" is nearing completion and the park is anticipating a Spring 2008 re-opening.

Check out both the photos and there is a link to our video where park General Manager Tim Burkhart explains more in depth some of the changes to the new trains.

From outside the park you can see that almost all the track is now red. The "X Change Operation" which will take X from being girly pink & yellow to manly red & black is almost done!

If you look REAL close, you can still see some yellow left.

Wait a second! That's a trash bag with a wheel sticking out! You can't fool me!!!

Oh. *blush* I see. There really IS a train under there!

So Tim Burkhart, SFMM General Manager explained that one of the main differences was converting the old "Pickle Forks" into "Pickle Spoons." (The actual technical term. We're not making this up! Someone went through YEARS of engineering school for this so please don't make fun of their names!)

Here you can see the old "Pickle Forks" that the seats rest on...

The new "Pickle Spoon" is one giant piece, and while lighter than the old pickle fork, should be more stable and make for a smoother ride.

The wheels...while yes they are still round...note that the assembly is one solid piece on the new train...

...Whereas on the old trains there were a lot more welds and bolts that held it together.

You can see here where many changes were made to help lighten up the trains. All those holes used to be solid on the old trains.

Here's some bolts.

Here's some steel!

New train.....old train!

Yup. When it opens it's going to launch at 85MPH! Didn't you hear about that part? Ok, ok, I'm just kidding!

For more photos and to view the video we shot, where Tim explains a lot more about the trains, click here: ... hp?t=41602

If you are a member of TPR, you can download DVD image of the video as well as the high res version of all the photos here:

Hope you all enjoy the pics!


Post February 3rd, 2008, 5:50 am
Dirk_Ermen User avatar
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Thanks robb for all the photo's. It's looking great. [:)]

Post February 3rd, 2008, 7:49 am

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Nice pics and nice vid Robb. New train looks much better than the old.

Post February 3rd, 2008, 9:14 am

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trains look better but i still prefer the pink paint as it stood out from everything else

Post February 3rd, 2008, 11:29 am

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Nice pictures.

But we do already have an X2 thread that was started last November. Not sure why we need a new topic on this everytime something changes on X.

Post February 3rd, 2008, 11:29 am
gouldy User avatar
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wtf are you peeps on about? The old trains look WELL better! The new ones look like a crock o' ****!

Post February 3rd, 2008, 12:52 pm

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gouldy, the new trains, even tho that may not look as good as the old ones in your eyes, are much lighter and provide a much better ride then the old trains. I'll take safty and function over beauty any day.

Post February 3rd, 2008, 1:03 pm
jayman Premium Member
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i agree.. steel rollercoasters don't need to LOOK good, they're already ugly by default anyways,. unlike wood it's all about ride motion. .. i love the fact that the next time i ride it my calves won't be getting hammered into that little fiberglass skirt below the seat!

Post February 3rd, 2008, 2:40 pm

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My boyfriend is actually in the LA area right now visiting family. I should call and ask him to go down and see how it looks!

As long as they paint the trains, I've no problem with them; That white, orange and blue won't coordinate with the black and red. That's a huge concern, LOL!

Post February 3rd, 2008, 3:44 pm

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Sweet, I can't wait to get back and ride X without breaking my legs! This is great, gonna make X waay more enjoyable.

Post February 3rd, 2008, 3:49 pm
Oscar User avatar
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You just broke a lot of the members heart with your post Julia [lol]

Post February 3rd, 2008, 7:01 pm

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Post February 7th, 2008, 3:13 pm
gouldy User avatar
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Originally posted by shaggszgn

gouldy, the new trains, even tho that may not look as good as the old ones in your eyes, are much lighter and provide a much better ride then the old trains. I'll take safty and function over beauty any day.

Really? as if safety's important! [:P]

And Jayman... what? [:P] I think that steel coasters can be really beautiful structures, especially some of the Intamins. Just different to woodies is all.

But still, those new trains just simply look half assed, no effort seems to have been put into making them look, I dunno, presentable, or themed, whatever you wanna call it.

Post February 7th, 2008, 7:44 pm
jayman Premium Member
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yep , i stand by that.. when it comes to a steel ride it's all about riding, i could care less what it looks like.. it already isn't wood..

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