idk, the video is supposedly 3 times faster.. it just seems like theyre skipping steps, but idk. and theres another video on youtube and it takes much longer, and looks like theres the same amount of stuff going on, and the enourmous pieces they are moving around are moving very quickly, no way that they could move something so hugh so quickly.. and the aintings gotta take a while, putting the protective sheet over its gotta take at least 10 minutes at the least.
Heh, after watching that video of St. Maartin I just had to jump in FSX for a landing there in an A321. Thats one of the more nerve wrecking places to set a large bird in that game down.
Now that is an amazing paintjob, alot of work for an airliner.
... just watched teh A380 in 7 minutes video.... Its amazing how they transport that thing! I've seen docs about how they do it and all but its simply breath taking at the scale of the project.
IDK what to say about the 346 seconds thing, but the whole process was really cool. I had no idea that they assembled it in parts. I guess that's what they have to do though...
BTW, anyone know what the music was? It was really cool.