Corkscrew winner: Esquilax by Hansixx
B&M Invert winner: Aiolos by dcs221
Prizes will be determined and deviated after all ballots are finished.
Moving on. Intamin Hyper and Intamin Hyper Launched, being two interlocking categories, will also be paired as a ballot. If you wish to vote you MUST choose ONE roller coaster from BOTH categories. Meaning you will choose two roller coasters, one Intamin Hyper, and one Intamin Hyper Launched. If you only vote for one roller coaster of either category, the vote can't be counted. We really need both categories to recieve active voting.
It is only necessary to say the name of the track when voting. Voting for your own design is accepted. Voting will continue until the end of 7 days, or until two days goes without a vote.
Intamin Hyper (2-Seated)
1. Miasma by Canadmos
2. Quatro by Real
3. Project Strata-Force by Hansixx
4. Silver Comet by barone
Intamin Hyper Launched (2-Seated)
1. Windigo by ExTraxYz
2. Hemisfair Twister by Jakizle
3. Kamikaze by drummerkid
4. Sentient 6 by guitarplayer673
5. Humdinger by Canadmos
6. Breaking Point by dcs221
7. Primal Scream by Canadmos