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CC NLT 2008 - Round 3 [RESULTS PG 11]

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Post March 15th, 2008, 2:36 am
hyyyper User avatar
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CoasterCrazy No Limits Tournament 2008 - Round 3 - StratoCoaster

WWelcome the the 3rd round of the NLT. This round you will be building a twisted steel looping coaster. The aim will be to choose the best order and diversity of elements, while maintaining your adren.

This round we will have 14 participants matched up against each other competing for the 7 spots in round 4 (for pairings see below). Failing to send in a valid track will result in a 3 week ban.
To fill the 8th spot (in round 4) I have decided that everyone who was DQ?????????d in round 2 can send in their round 3 tracks as well. The best track from that group will get the wildcard to round 4.
If you were DQ?????????d in round 2 and you are planning to send in your track, don't forget to PM me when you've done so.
If you decide to join the wildcard competition and you get DQ?????????d (again) you will also be banned for 3 weeks. If your track is legit, but you don't get the wildcard, you won't be banned. Also, if you do not send in any track at all, you won't be banned either.


The template is available in the exchange: ... ?tid=13747

(DQ when broken)


Minimum length is 1000m (2625ft).

The track should go entirely above 40m (130ft) at least once, and cannot go above 55m (180ft) at all times.

The track should (in top view) cross the triple blue lines entirely (in the far end of the template) at least 2 times (back and forth).

Train type: B&M Sitdown Looper.

You must have exactly 3 trains with each having exactly 32 seats (8 cars per train).

Trackwork must be entirely inside the outer red lines.

The station-track should be entirely within the X-marked box

Track must be single and full circuit, no dueling/racers or shuttles.

Only 1 lift hill or 1 launch allowed. If you choose to launch, the launch should have a minimum upward height difference of 25m (82ft). Note that a launch is accelerating and lifts have constant speed. Keep this in mind when building so you don't get DQ?????????d over something silly

Transport sections and friction wheels can have a maximum speed of 10kph (6.2mph). Transport sections, brakes and stations that slope upwards will be seen as a lift hill and will most likely result in a DQ.

The coaster should feature 6 - 9 inversions. An inversion classifies as a piece of track that is banked 155 degrees or more. Beyond vertical drops do not count as inversions.

No double stations allowed (if you would like a transfer/storage building, you must change the load/unload time of one of the stations to 1 second).

There is no lifthill-track or launch-track allowed in the top section of the layout. This is the area above the double and triple blue lines (in top view).

In the top section (above the double blue lines and above the triple blue lines), the track can't go under the purple lines (15m (49ft)). These lines will not be included in the tunneltest.

Raising the terrain is not allowed, creating lakes and above-ground tunneling is allowed.


This ride will have OTSR?????????s, so try to stay below 1 G lateral. Vertical forces on B&M?????????s usually range from -1.2 to 4.5 G.

B&M layouts tend to be inversion after inversion, to many that may look dull, but if you study the orders of the elements, it requires at lot of thinking to make the order of the elements interesting. It is very important to keep the adrenaline rushing. Airtime is optional and be careful with full helices.

The use of scenery objects (tunnels, stations and what else), made from 3ds or supports is encouraged. To give you guys a start, a guitar is included with the track. You may resize, rotate, move, clone or delete this guitar. If you like, you can even change the damn color. (Note that the guitar is not mine, as I do not take credit for it. It is freeware and may be used by anyone).

Take note that the focus of this round in on originality. So the colorsheme, theming and name could get you (extra) points. This of course does not mean your track will get rated high if it's slow and bumpy.

Sending In:

Track must be uploaded to the exchange at the latest at 23:59 PM Mar-31st. Make sure you include the [NLTR3] tag in your track name. Remember that if you do not send in a track or your track get's DQ'd you will be banned for THREE WEEKS. (the not sending in thing does not apply for the round 2 DQ?????????s who are competing for the round 4 wildcard, getting DQ?????????d, however, does)

White = no track received
Green = track received
Red = DQ


1. alton_ vs. Kevin Brennan
2. Austin vs. Mikado
3. yoshifreak vs. coreyml
4. vid_w vs. Coasterkidwmw
5. unfortunate_smiley vs. Z00Z3R
6. cjd vs. minicoopertx
7. guitarplayer673 vs. Jakizle

Wildcard entries received:


The entire match-up scheme can be found here: ... tch-up.GIF

If there is something not clear to you in the rules or if you have any questions regarding this round or the tournament, feel free to ask them here.

Last edited by hyyyper on June 11th, 2008, 5:04 am, edited 1 time in total.

Post March 15th, 2008, 2:57 am

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Haha alton_ vs Kevin. Rad. Just like when I was paired up against Tyler in the contest a couple years ago.

Post March 15th, 2008, 2:57 am

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re: trackwork must be inside red lines

What about supports? Is it OK for them to go outside?

Post March 15th, 2008, 3:18 am

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All right, alton_, looks like we're going to have us a FVD faceoff [:P]. Now I've just got to find me some free time...

Post March 15th, 2008, 3:19 am

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Just so that you know, minicoopertx, I still haven't figured out how to do B&M-style big inversions with FVD, so you're not going to be going up against Elementary like you might have been fearing. I'll probably be hand-building almost all of my track.

Post March 15th, 2008, 3:25 am
hyyyper User avatar
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Originally posted by minicoopertx

re: trackwork must be inside red lines

What about supports? Is it OK for them to go outside?

supports and theming can go outside

EDIT: I forgot to add the 3ds guitar to the track. I've reuploaded a trackpack. If the ones who DL'd the nltrack file please redownload the nlpack. ... ?tid=13747

Post March 15th, 2008, 5:32 am

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"Vertical forces on B&M?????????s usually range from -1.2 to 4.5 G."

haha, tell me one place you think a real B&M exceeds -.8 g's or so. Good luck with your futile search.

Post March 15th, 2008, 8:57 am

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In the top section (above the double blue lines and above the triple blue lines), the track can't go under the purple lines (15m (49ft)). These lines will not be included in the tunneltest.

Why on earth do you have that rule? That'll mean that every piece of track there must be above 15m....that sucks.

Post March 15th, 2008, 9:00 am

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^Well, that's why it's called a challenge. It needs to be difficult.

Post March 15th, 2008, 9:00 am

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Looks like its time to show Kevin what i'm made of :P

EDIT: That purple line rule is a really stupid rule. I mean, fair enough its a contest and it has to be challenging, but do you have any idea how ridiculous everyone's track is going to look with a portion of the track raised by 15m?

You really didnt think this one through.

Post March 15th, 2008, 9:07 am

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BTW, when I saw this thread, I thought it meant that you would have to build a coaster that is more than 400 feet tall... That is what stratocoaster means. lol.

Post March 15th, 2008, 9:25 am

Posts: 418
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^ I thought that at first, too, until I saw the spelling.

Strat*A*coaster is one that is more than 400ft tall.
Strat*O*coaster is a play on words with Stratocaster, a brand of guitar.

Thought it was rather clever, actually.

As for that 15m or higher section, I would imagine that the reason for it is that if you lay a guitar down, the neck portion (where the purple lines are) is raised off the floor. Having all the track way off the ground there reinforces the guitar theme.

Deal with it.


Post March 15th, 2008, 9:59 am

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The track should (in top view) cross the triple blue lines entirely (in the far end of the template) at least 2 times (back and forth).

So does going across than back count as 2 times, or must you go across and back twice?

Good luck guitarplayer.

Post March 15th, 2008, 11:08 am
hyyyper User avatar
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About the purple line rule, i might have been too vague. If you view in front-view, then you can't go under the purple lines.

See the picture: Green is OK, Red is DQ


Jake, in the end of the template you must go back (1) and forth (2), so that's two times. You can ofcourse go back and forth and back and forth, or back and forth and back and forth and back and forth.

And YAY somebody managed to uncover the thought behind the round name!

Post March 15th, 2008, 11:22 am

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So you only have to be above 49 feet or whatever in between the purple lines?

Post March 15th, 2008, 11:25 am
hyyyper User avatar
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^No, you only have to be above 49ft. DIRECTLY above a purple line.

Post March 15th, 2008, 11:26 am

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Post March 15th, 2008, 11:28 am

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i cant get the file to open in the editor... ?????

Post March 15th, 2008, 12:10 pm
Coasterkidmwm User avatar
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Originally posted by dcs221

"Vertical forces on B&M?????????s usually range from -1.2 to 4.5 G."

haha, tell me one place you think a real B&M exceeds -.8 g's or so. Good luck with your futile search.

Maybe when Riddler's Revenge valleyed it stalled out in an inversion and they got -1 G's briefly.

Post March 15th, 2008, 1:14 pm

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"Transport sections and friction wheels can have a maximum speed of 10kph (6.2mph). Transport sections, brakes and stations that slope upwards will be seen as a lift hill and will most likely result in a DQ."

Does this not apply if we choose to do a Hulk-style tire launch?

Post March 15th, 2008, 1:56 pm
hyyyper User avatar
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Post March 15th, 2008, 2:03 pm

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Ahh ok, the purple line rule is not as bad as i thought.

Post March 15th, 2008, 2:09 pm
Dyl User avatar

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Hey hyyyper. I'm not in the contest but I was just wondering. If the trains come into the brake or transport at the end of the ride and the brake or transport is sloped so that the train heads downwards, would that count as being sloped upwards?

Post March 15th, 2008, 2:10 pm
Gav User avatar

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This round is going to be so awesome.

Especially with this template, good luck guys!

Post March 15th, 2008, 2:29 pm

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wow, this is gonna be awesome... im not in the contest but i have so many ideas for this template. thanks hyyyper!!! [;)]


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