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New Giga Coaster [Now Available for Download]

The Hard Hat Area is the place to post construction news about your ride, so this is the place to hype your future upload!

Posts: 265
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Location: Montclair, CA, USA

I wont give much details about this Giga Coaster but I am 100% done with the track and about 60% done with the supports. This is by far the biggest project i have ever attempted. I have posted 2 pictures... the color scheme may or may not be final. Once it's done, if there is enough request i'll have it available for download here. Your feedback will be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

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Last edited by Ballerboi on June 27th, 2010, 3:53 am, edited 1 time in total.

Post June 12th, 2010, 6:04 am

Posts: 2482
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Location: Switzerland
Wow,looks really impressing,there are many I305ish rides in the last weeks...
All RCCAs should be RMC'd. And that event shall be henceforth known as the Rollercaust.

Post June 12th, 2010, 8:19 am

Posts: 1384
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Yeah it does look impressive. too bad its Scream Machines, which basically means at least 75% of this sites members wont ride it...

Post June 12th, 2010, 8:40 am

Posts: 2482
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Location: Switzerland
[:O]I thought it was NL[V]!Anyway I like the color scheme.
All RCCAs should be RMC'd. And that event shall be henceforth known as the Rollercaust.

Post June 12th, 2010, 12:56 pm

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Post June 12th, 2010, 4:14 pm

Posts: 265
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Location: Montclair, CA, USA

Originally posted by tmv8888

Yeah it does look impressive. too bad its Scream Machines, which basically means at least 75% of this sites members wont ride it...

I'll be posting a POV video on youtube like i always do so non-SM users can ride as well.


Yes there is mid-course brakes on this ride. They may or may not affect the speed. This allows for 3 train operation. The airtime hills after the brakes produce negative g's of -1.5g's and -1.2 g's.

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Post June 12th, 2010, 7:22 pm

Posts: 999
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Location: Tampa, FL, USA
You know you're the king of like...ANY roller coaster designing.

Can't wait for make some of the best coasters, period.
"Don't be a disability"... yep, still keeping that. :P

Post June 13th, 2010, 2:43 am

Posts: 265
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Location: Montclair, CA, USA

Post June 13th, 2010, 3:39 am

Posts: 361
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Location: NV, USA
Looks great, Geo. I think you should definitely post this track. Love the color scheme and just the overall look of this track (even though everything isn't 100% finished). I LOVE ALREADY>>>

Post June 13th, 2010, 5:44 am

Posts: 265
Points on hand: 2,289.00 Points
Location: Montclair, CA, USA

^Thank you


-Supports are about 80% done.
-I have started on terraforming (not finalized).

Here a few pictures to show off the 'twisty' parts of the ride, as well as the recently. completed supports. Enjoy!

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Post June 13th, 2010, 12:52 pm

Posts: 2482
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Location: Switzerland
It looks so awesome!
All RCCAs should be RMC'd. And that event shall be henceforth known as the Rollercaust.

Post June 14th, 2010, 5:43 pm

Posts: 265
Points on hand: 2,289.00 Points
Location: Montclair, CA, USA


small UPDATE
-terrain is now complete
-supports will be finished today
-the supports below the lift hill now have the tracks color. therefore the color scheme is final.

i may have pictures for you all later on tonight

Post June 14th, 2010, 5:49 pm

Posts: 1936
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wooo gonna have to boot up the old inspiron like i always do to run scream machines for your tracks! can't wait!

Post June 14th, 2010, 11:40 pm

Posts: 265
Points on hand: 2,289.00 Points
Location: Montclair, CA, USA


-There will be a queue line, Scenery has begun.
-The coaster will feature coasterbum's "Dreamscape" skybox set which can be downloaded here:

Here on some pictures... enjoy!

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Post June 25th, 2010, 5:00 pm

Posts: 2482
Points on hand: 209.00 Points
Bank: 311.00 Points
Location: Switzerland
Looks sweet!
All RCCAs should be RMC'd. And that event shall be henceforth known as the Rollercaust.

Post June 25th, 2010, 5:06 pm
Oscar User avatar
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Good work man, send me a message when you upload it so I can check it out!
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Paradox wrote:
No need to tell Oscar about the problems. He is magic.

Post June 26th, 2010, 4:17 am

Posts: 265
Points on hand: 2,289.00 Points
Location: Montclair, CA, USA

^Will do!

Supports are now complete, therefore everything about the coaster is now complete. The only work left to do is scenery and station/queue line work. Stay tune for release dates.

Release Dates
Available for download: 6.27.10
Non-SM users(YouTube video): 6.28.10

Treating SM users as if they were the Media. Sorry Non-Sm users, but your the public [:p]

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