Originally posted by jcf1
i dont like apple. They are way too asociated with apple, and they are overpriced. There are not enough customization options for me, and i want a 17' notebook because i am a very mobile person but big on gaming. I go for power and mobility, price is not a hige concern for me.
I don't care if you don't like Apple, I meant you could get the same specs or better for cheaper, and it's funny that you call APPLE overpriced.
I didn't bring Apple up to start a Mac VS PC war. And Rollergod, you just completely took 'semen coloured stuff' from Ckmwm, not to mention nearly every apple product is aluminum now and not white.
I brought the Macbooks up because I know their price range and stuff well, so I knew the facts off the top of my head because I'm an Apple geek. I was just trying to help you realize that you were getting a bad deal.
I never told you to buy a Mac. I hate that people assume just because I'm an Apple fan that every time I bring up their products that it means I'm a mindless sheep and I just *HAD* to bring up Apple. I bring up Apple because I KNOW Apple. I got yelled at for posting a desktop background with the Mac OS X leopard logo in the desktop thread, but the other 12 people who posted their computers with imitation docks and alienware logos never got made fun of.
You people 'hate' Apple because I'm willing to bet you've never even used a Mac, either that, or you think you're cool because you don't buy products that are considered 'status symbols' by some stupid idiots who seem to think that Mac users think they're better because they bought a friggen computer.
God this drives me nuts.
Next time I just won't help you then.