No website promotion of any kind. If linking to an image on another site, link to the image directly.
No image signatures.
Only one line of text allowed. No super long links that stretch out the pages here.
Premium Users
You may text link your websites. You may use image signatures no bigger than standard banner size. Standard banner size is 468 pixels by 60 pixels. You may not use both text and image sigs at the same time. Chose one or the other. Only one line of text allowed. No super long links that stretch out the pages here. All graphics must be static and non animated.
VIP Users
You can do anything mentioned for the above two. You can use both text and image sigs at the same time. Animated graphics are allowed but not so crazy animated that they will cause a seizure. hmm what else? That's it I guess.
![test [lol]](
You can break any of these rules, except making your images ridiculously large to make the site look cheap. No long links to stretch the page etc.
The rules are non negotiable. If found not abiding by these rules, your signature will be removed and points value set to zero and are non refundable.