The Swinging Ship Scorpios is themed to be in an authentic Greek harbor and is unique of the angle it swings. The most Swinging Ships swing up to an angle of 60?????????. But this ship swings up to a 75????????? angle which improves the feeling on having butterflies in your belly. Also on the outer ends it provides a good floater air. The name scorpios is coming from the theming of the ship, which is in the shape of a scorpion. With the height of 49feet and a velocity of at least 26 miles per hour make Scorpios to one of the tallest and fastest Swinging Ships in the region. Scorpios is build by the German company: Metallbau Emmeln and has a capacity of 42 people per ride. Which comes down to roughly 800 people per hour.
De Paarden van Ithaka (The horses of Ithaka)
Next to scorpios is the second new ride from Toverland. On a Trojan horse can smaller children and possible guiding parent, take a ride past dunes and old bridges. Also this ride has been build by Metallbau Emmeln (MBE) from Germany. Which this ride, Toverland will expand their variation of rides, for the families, even more!
The Swinging Ship Scorpios is a sequel on the story of Troy and is a foretaste on the biggest expansion Toverland will do in 2012, called Odysseus. For Toverland's 10 year anniversary in 2011, there is an upgrade planned on the first indoor hall, called: 'Het Land van Toos' Translation: 'The land of Toos'). Toverland is going to re-theme this hall even more by putting the work 'magic' even more in the central spot. Next to that, Toverland will present a new logo and there will be a new theater show around Toos Toverhoed. To finish this off, a 3rd indoor hall will be build in 2015 which should present more magic from Toverland, than before.
A couple pictures of the new expansion: